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Oxford Analitica: Azerbaijan is preparing for war in Karabakh in 201

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  • Oxford Analitica: Azerbaijan is preparing for war in Karabakh in 201

    Oxford Analitica: Azerbaijan is preparing for war in Karabakh in 2014

    Saturday, June 16, 13:29

    The British research center Oxford Analitica predicts that at the
    upcoming meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan on June 18, the OSCE Minsk Group will put pressure on the
    parties to reduce tensions in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    "The Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers meet in Paris on June
    18. French, Russian and US mediators from the Organisation for
    Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group are widely
    expected to exert pressure on both sides to de-escalate tensions.
    Generally viewed as a 'frozen' conflict, Nagorno-Karabakh has been
    quite 'hot', with a steady cycle of clashes leaving dead on both
    sides. Against the backdrop of an already fragile balance of power and
    an escalating 'arms race', recent Azerbaijani attacks threaten to
    trigger a new outbreak of hostilities or outright war," the Oxform
    Analitica expert say.

    The British experts believe that Azerbaijan has recently adhered to a
    new strategy: increasing the volume of purchases of arms, preparing to
    achieve operational readiness in 2014, and threatening to go to war on
    the 20th anniversary of the signing of the ceasefire, if no progress
    is made through negotiations by then.

    Encouraged by the steady growth of the military budget, the General
    Staff of Azerbaijani Armed Forces has recently issued a statement that
    "it will take 10 days to liberate the occupied territory and reach the
    Armenian-Iranian border." In fact, the Azerbaijani army is not ready
    for a new war, and the Armenian side does not intend to attack, say
    experts from the research center.

    The report also says that organization of military clashes on the
    border between Azerbaijan and Armenia and in the Karabakh conflict
    zone on 4-8 June coincided with the visit of U.S. Secretary of State
    Hillary Clinton to the region.

    "In terms of maintaining the current format of OSCE Minsk Group, it
    will be very difficult to achieve real success in the negotiations.
    One of the reasons is Russia's position, because Russia is more
    interested in preserving the status quo or increasing the tensions,"
    the report of Oxford Analitica says.

    To recall, Edward Nalbandian, Elmar Mammadyarov and OSCE MG co-chairs
    will meet in Paris on June 18.
