Criminal case aims to prevent Civilitas mission - Armenian foundation
June 14, 2012 | 19:23
YEREVAN. - Armenian Civilitas Foundation made a statement concerning
the criminal case filed in the Armenian National Security Service
against the foundation.
`For already two weeks the attention and efforts of Civilitas
Foundation and CivilNet news agency have deviated from their main
mission. Instead of focusing on our mission of strengthening civil
society and providing alternative and unbiased news for the public, we
are busy answering groundless questions about `money laundering and
tax evasion' which resulted due to the criminal case filed against us.
It is evident that all this is being done for the purpose of diverting
the attention of Civilitas and CivilNet from their main mission.
It is unacceptable that a benefactor like Jon Huntsman, who has been
making great charity works in Armenia since its independence, is
involved in all this. Do the Armenian authorities want to alienate all
the people who want to contribute to the development of Armenia?
The large public support which Civilitas receives these days shows
that we are going to fight together to continue our mission of
defending human rights,' the statement of the foundation reads.
June 14, 2012 | 19:23
YEREVAN. - Armenian Civilitas Foundation made a statement concerning
the criminal case filed in the Armenian National Security Service
against the foundation.
`For already two weeks the attention and efforts of Civilitas
Foundation and CivilNet news agency have deviated from their main
mission. Instead of focusing on our mission of strengthening civil
society and providing alternative and unbiased news for the public, we
are busy answering groundless questions about `money laundering and
tax evasion' which resulted due to the criminal case filed against us.
It is evident that all this is being done for the purpose of diverting
the attention of Civilitas and CivilNet from their main mission.
It is unacceptable that a benefactor like Jon Huntsman, who has been
making great charity works in Armenia since its independence, is
involved in all this. Do the Armenian authorities want to alienate all
the people who want to contribute to the development of Armenia?
The large public support which Civilitas receives these days shows
that we are going to fight together to continue our mission of
defending human rights,' the statement of the foundation reads.