Zhoghovurd: Civilitas Foundation Director Salpi Ghazarian summoned for
09:43 15/06/2012 » Daily press
Zhoghovurd paper, citing reliable sources, reports that Director of
Civilitas Foundation Salpi Ghazarian was summoned for interrogation to
the National Security Service of Armenia. Developments concerning
Civilitas Foundation show that the authorities are determined to
neutralize Oskanian, the paper says and adds, `The management of
Civilitas hosted 4 foreign ambassadors yesterday, something that
points to serious anxiety in the organization. Besides, it is not
known whether the ambassadors had visited the organization on their
own initiative or Civilitas had signaled SOS."
Source: Panorama.am
09:43 15/06/2012 » Daily press
Zhoghovurd paper, citing reliable sources, reports that Director of
Civilitas Foundation Salpi Ghazarian was summoned for interrogation to
the National Security Service of Armenia. Developments concerning
Civilitas Foundation show that the authorities are determined to
neutralize Oskanian, the paper says and adds, `The management of
Civilitas hosted 4 foreign ambassadors yesterday, something that
points to serious anxiety in the organization. Besides, it is not
known whether the ambassadors had visited the organization on their
own initiative or Civilitas had signaled SOS."
Source: Panorama.am