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Prosperous Armenia's "Two Models"

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  • Prosperous Armenia's "Two Models"

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:58:42 - 18/06/2012

    Will Vartan Oskanian be deprived of parliamentary immunity? There are
    already such rumors. First Vartan Oskanian himself dwelt on this issue
    on TV and was promised by the TV host to send him food to jail. Later,
    MP Nikol Pashinyan, ANC talked about such a possibility, saying that
    if the parliament is requested to vote, he will vote for depriving
    Oskanian of his parliamentary immunity.

    The money laundering case is about a huge sum of money and the
    punishment may reach up to 10 years in prison, as lawyers say. Vartan
    Oskanian and Director of Civilitas Salpi Ghazarian, as we know,
    refused to make testimonies at the National Security Service and
    this may "force" the law enforcers to ask the parliament to deprive
    Oskanian of immunity to be able to undertake "investigative measures".

    Will the outcome be an international scandal? And has the criminal
    case against Civilitas become a political scandal? Apparently not.

    Although Oskanian described the criminal proceedings as a political
    order, the ambassadors of European countries visited the Civilitas
    Foundation and the U.S. Ambassador said that he was concerned about
    the "time" of launching proceedings but it has not become a political

    Moreover, the leader of Prosperous Armenia Party Gagik Tsarukyan, after
    a long regular silence, did not speak about political persecution,
    he spoke about the necessity to invite international lawyers to
    Armenia. This means that Gagik Tsarukyan is preparing for a legal
    process, not a political one. Investigation will also involve
    deprivation of immunity.

    The public opinion relating on Vartan Oskanian's case is not known.

    There is no possibility to measure it, since the sociological
    institutes are not operational in Armenia, and judging by reports,
    more people support Oskanian since charges brought on him do harm
    to the new political culture. Many think that this culture cannot
    survive this blow.

    Actually, Oskanian tried to build a social and political structure
    based on modern rules, beginning with organization of discussions and
    ending with the creation of the first web television in the country,
    which already has many visitors. And if we forget the possibility
    that all this could be done with the support of Robert Kocharyan,
    or could be related to domestic political "disputes" in the United
    States, we should recognize that Oskanian has been able to build a real
    "social and political holding in Armenia."

    Maybe it was not worth politicizing the public holding so promptly
    before it had received sufficient public confidence. However,
    Civilitas was a model which would ensure conscious public support to
    a political candidate. This is the missing element in the Armenian
    elections where public support is not decisive.

    Apparently, this is the reason of persecution launched against
    Civilitas and not Prosperous Armenia, the "charity" model of receiving
    public support which is not dangerous for the authorities.

    In this situation, it is extremely important that "public support"
    to Oskanian and not the "charity" of Tsarukyan wins. Though, in either
    ways, the defeat of the philosophy of the PAP seems almost inevitable.
