Saturday, 16 June 2012 12:42
On June 13 Armenian painter Nikol Aghababyan's personal exhibition
dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shoushi was
opened at the state gallery of Shoushi.
The painter's first exhibition in Artsakh was held in Shoushi in 1992
immediately after the liberation of the town.
"I am afforded the great honour to conduct my private painting
exhibition in Shoushi 20 years later. I attempted to present as many
paintings on the subject of Artsakh and Shoushi as possible thus
trying to express the kindly feelings I cherish for Karabakh and its
inhabitants. Only many years later I found out that my grandmother
was from Shoushi by origin," N. Aghababyan emphasized with unconcealed
pride and added that he had inherited this love towards Artsakh from
his ancestors.
The painter referred to the unfavourable building conditions of the
gallery and expressed his hope that the new gallery being built in
Shoushi would be much more comfortable.
Tatevik who was present at the exhibition was delighted with Nikol
Aghababyan's works.
"Everything is portrayed in bright colours, no dark colours depicting
the gloomy past. The idea of rebirth and new life dominating in the
paintings appealed to me greatly," Tatevik noted in her interview
From: A. Papazian
Saturday, 16 June 2012 12:42
On June 13 Armenian painter Nikol Aghababyan's personal exhibition
dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shoushi was
opened at the state gallery of Shoushi.
The painter's first exhibition in Artsakh was held in Shoushi in 1992
immediately after the liberation of the town.
"I am afforded the great honour to conduct my private painting
exhibition in Shoushi 20 years later. I attempted to present as many
paintings on the subject of Artsakh and Shoushi as possible thus
trying to express the kindly feelings I cherish for Karabakh and its
inhabitants. Only many years later I found out that my grandmother
was from Shoushi by origin," N. Aghababyan emphasized with unconcealed
pride and added that he had inherited this love towards Artsakh from
his ancestors.
The painter referred to the unfavourable building conditions of the
gallery and expressed his hope that the new gallery being built in
Shoushi would be much more comfortable.
Tatevik who was present at the exhibition was delighted with Nikol
Aghababyan's works.
"Everything is portrayed in bright colours, no dark colours depicting
the gloomy past. The idea of rebirth and new life dominating in the
paintings appealed to me greatly," Tatevik noted in her interview
From: A. Papazian