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Russia And Azerbaijan On The Path Of Revival

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  • Russia And Azerbaijan On The Path Of Revival


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    June 18 2012

    Moscow welcomed the research and practice conference "Russia and
    Azerbaijan on the path of revival" devoted to two prominent dates in
    history of the states: the 12 of June - Russia's Day and the 15 of
    June - National Rescue Day of the Azerbaijani Republic.

    The event was organized by the All-Russian Azerbaijani Committee.

    Well-known scientists, artists, PMs of the State Duma and the
    Azerbaijani parliament, and other social activists participated in it.

    Polad Bulbuloglu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
    the Republic of Azerbaijan to Russia

    Today Russia is experiencing a new stage, a stage of renewal. The
    newly-elected president Vladimir Putin, who had already been president,
    then head of government and now again has taken up this very high,
    responsible position, started his work. In Azerbaijan, the activity
    of Vladimir Putin as the Russian President is always remembered with
    a good word, because in 2001 he made his first official visit as
    Russian President to Azerbaijan. Practically since that first visit
    diplomatic, economic, political, cultural, and any other connections
    between the two countries have continued to rise.

    Therefore I'd like to express my confidence that, with his recent
    arrival to this high post, Mr. Putin will continue this policy of
    strengthening ties with Russia's strategic partner, which is today
    Azerbaijan. We are confident that the path for a peaceful solution to
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will be continued in the framework of
    international law and those requirements which are being put forward
    today by the international community, the Minsk Group, of which Russia
    is the co-chair. And I think that Russia, as the closest country in
    the region and as the biggest, the leading country in this region,
    should be interested in a peaceful resolution of this conflict.

    Otherwise, if the conflict goes into a hot phase, then, as they say
    in Russian, they'll wish it had never happened

    Rasim Musabekov, political scientist, deputy of the Milli Majlis of
    the Azerbaijani Republic

    Today, Azerbaijan has an annual gross domestic product of about 95
    billion dollars. By Russian standards, maybe it's not very much,
    but if you take the economy of the South Caucasus, this is 80% of
    the economy of the South Caucasus. If you take the export potential,
    Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover is more than 30 billion dollars.

    This is 90% of the export potential of the South Caucasus. Similarly,
    if you take the financial assets, $44 billion today is the financial
    reserves of Azerbaijan. Let's say, these are the debts and assets of
    Armenia and Georgia with a minus. Thus it can be said that Azerbaijan
    possesses virtually 100% of the financial holdings of the South
    Caucasus. During the years of independence after 1995 in Azerbaijan,
    investments totalled $120 billion, of which 45 billion is in the oil
    and gas field. It's probably more than 90% of all investments made
    in the region. And all this is, of course, a very great success, a
    very serious possibility for the state to update the infrastructure
    and improve living standards. In this sense, per capita indicators
    of Azerbaijan are roughly 10 thousand dollars per capita. This is, in
    general, the level of today's Bulgaria and Romania, which are members
    of the European Union. And the dynamics of the increase is continuing.

    In principle, the critics can always say that it's all from oil. Yes,
    a big part of our economy is, of course, the oil industry. But I just
    want to say that it is so for Nigeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and for
    even Iraq was a new industry, even for Norway oil is a new industry,
    in a way, an accidental enrichment. For Azerbaijan, oil is the
    traditional sphere of industry. We have been producing oil and gas for
    150 years. And as geologists tell me, at least for the next 50 years,
    the opportunities of the discovered oilfields will allow us to provide
    a high level of production of both oil and gas. It is clear that the
    economy has diversified. During the last two years the oil industry
    has been increasing; the gas industry will still be growing, but the
    oil industry will not. Yet the non-oil industry increased at a great
    rate, by 16%, over the past year. In general, the non-oil sector grew
    by almost 10% and fully compensated for the fall that occurred in the
    oil sector. Once again, the economy gives some opportunities for the
    state, and it is important to take advantage of these opportunities.

    The infrastructure is developing actively; very serious investments
    are being made in education and healthcare, and spheres of industry
    are developing that are entirely new for Azerbaijan - ICT, technology
    parks. I think, in a sense, the economy of the future Azerbaijan is
    formed due to the revenues from oil. Very close attention is paid to
    the direction of students for education abroad, because eventually the
    country will be moved forward by people. Roads are very important,
    the walls of new homes are important too, but more important are
    young well-educated Azerbaijanis.

    Alesker Tagiyev, a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian
    Azerbaijani Congress (AAC), vice-President of the Union of Lawyers
    of Russia

    The basis for our development lies in education and the good upbringing
    of our youth. But the current active construction in Azerbaijan,
    the fact that the city has become very beautiful, fairy-tale-like,
    is very pleasantly surprising. It is pleasant for Azerbaijan to invite
    our Russian friends and guests; it's nice to invite our friends from
    the former Soviet states, now independent states. Therefore, in this
    respect, cultural exchange is very important. I would like again to
    say that, of course, what is being done in Azerbaijan arouses very
    pleasant emotions. We witness that every day, every year Azerbaijan
    is developing very actively in all areas.

    Of course, much is being done in Russia too, in part thanks to the
    serious work of our Azerbaijani diaspora. Of course, the political
    power of Russia is criticized by the opposition protest movement,
    but we can say one thing: the greatest achievement of the current
    political power is the current Russian president's ability to keep
    Russia within its present borders. Despite all the criticism in his
    address, this is the largest existing achievement. Azerbaijanis also
    appreciate this, and our diaspora is quite loyal to the state power.

    The work of our diaspora is aimed at ensuring the close connection
    of the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan.

    Stanislav Pritchin, Expert Center for the Study of Central Asia and
    Caucasus Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

    One of the key areas of cooperation is the cooperation in the energy
    sector. As you all know, in 2010, Gazprom and the state oil company of
    Azerbaijan engaged in the supply of Azerbaijani gas to the consumers
    in Dagestan and the North Caucasus republics. These shipments began
    In 2010, in fact, one billion cubic meters was then shipped, and each
    subsequent year, there was an increase of supply. In the last year the
    rate was 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas. It is expected that by 2012
    the supplement will amount to 3 billion cubic meters, with planned
    production in Azerbaijan of 28 billion cubic meters of gas this year.

    There are, of course, some difficulties, they are inevitable, and not
    only Azerbaijan is responsible for them, but also Russia's position on
    some issues. For example, Russia could provide her infrastructure for
    the supply of Azerbaijani gas to European markets, so that Azerbaijani
    gas would not bypass Russia. But this is a subject of negotiations.

    In addition, the current situation with Iran makes Azerbaijan to
    ensure its security and billion-rate investments in the oil and
    gas projects. And that is why Azerbaijan is trying to define its
    non-contentious position in a rising confrontation between Iran
    and Western countries. Recall that in the framework of the Caspian
    cooperation there are a number of agreements which prohibit Azerbaijan
    from providing its territory for aggression against other Caspian
    countries. This is an agreement of the Tehran Convention, signed in
    2007 and confirmed at the summit of the Caspian Five in Baku in 2010.

    There are certain difficulties in the negotiation on a radar station
    in Gabala, but so far there is no final decision, and negotiations
    are continuing.

    Therefore I think that today the political trust between our leaders
    allows us to resolve any existing conflict and find those points of
    contact and cooperation, which make it possible to support long-term
    good-neighborly relations.

    Yulia YakushevŠ°, Head of the analytical department of Information and
    Analytical Center for the Study of the former Soviet Union (MSU IAC)

    For the young republics of the former Soviet Union, where the political
    transformation took place in the face of one generation, the problem
    of gaining sovereignty and the establishment of political, social,
    and economic institutions, has a fundamental significance.

    Therefore the special symbolic meaning given by the post-Soviet
    countries to the key dates of our statehood's development is
    understandable and justifiable. These dates are not just red calendar

    They symbolize the right of the state and nation to choose its
    own unique path of development, a vector of social and political
    modernization. It is no accident in Russia officially proclaimed
    June 12 as the main holiday of the country that marks the beginning
    of the modern history of the state as the Russian Federation. It
    is noteworthy that in 2012 we celebrate the 1150th anniversary of
    the formation of Russian statehood. And, of course, the date of
    June 12, 1990, when the first Congress of People's Deputies of the
    RSFSR adopted a declaration of state independence, was a milestone
    in the strengthening of Russian statehood. It is impossible not to
    note the high positive role played in this process by the adoption of
    state symbols and a new constitution that reflected the new political
    realities of the Russian Federation. During the 20 years of post-Soviet
    development these attributes of statehood have gained an important
    place in the value system of the Russian citizens and have become
    symbols of patriotism and national pride of the Russians.

    For Azerbaijan, an equally important role is played by the date of
    June 15, 1993, the Day of National Salvation, or the revival of the
    state, when the national leader Heydar Aliyev headed the country,
    opening the way for a new level of development.

    And today, when the process of globalization and cultural unification
    is gathering momentum, the symbols and attributes of statehood can
    be an important element of national identity and the identity of
    post-Soviet countries, even more so because in the past few years, the
    topic of search for the national idea and effective mechanisms for the
    consolidation of society became very fashionable in expert circles. In
    case of absence of such unifying ideas and symbols the vacant niches
    are being occupied by destructive forces, which, as a rule, affect
    the most receptive and most passionate part of the society - the youth.

    For Russia and Azerbaijan, this issue is very relevant. Not high
    enough level of the government's work in the information space leads
    to the fact that even the most heroic pages of the history of our
    country either remain out of public attention, or are given in the
    most unexpected interpretations that can be clearly seen, for example,
    when monitoring social networks.

    The same trend can be traced in the results of opinion polls: a week
    ago the results of opinion polls were published, which showed that
    most Russians do not know what event took place on June 12, 1990. 77%
    of respondents still do not know why they celebrate the Day of Russia
    on June 12. Moreover, only 16% of Russians believe that June 12 is
    a national holiday. 67% believe that this is just an extra day off
    and treat it accordingly.

    In my opinion, these figures indicate the need for more systematic
    work in the humanitarian sphere and information of our countries. In
    the end, it is senseless to look for a national idea, without fixing
    in the public mind the bases of unity and consolidation of the nation.

    We cannot allow young people in Russia and Azerbaijan became zombies
    or Ivans oblivious of their kinship, especially since both history and
    contemporary situations of our countries show a lot of great dates,
    which should be not only known and remembered, but also treated with
    pride. Therefore, June 12 in Russia and June 15 in Azerbaijan are
    precisely such symbols worthy of becoming part of national identity
    and consciousness of our people. This, of course, will be an effective
    factor in the further development of our countries and an additional
    factor for the integration of Russia and Azerbaijan.

    Here I would like to mention the practical project, implemented by our
    center. On June 28 a regional forum for cooperation between Russia and
    Azerbaijan will take place. It will be held in Baku, which is very
    significant. In this forum our center will present the report. The
    authors are present here; they are Ismail Aliyevich and Alexander
    Karavaev. The report is dedicated to the prospects of cooperation
    between Russia and Azerbaijan in the context of Eurasian integration,
    a very topical issue today.

    In this report, the group of experts from Russia and Azerbaijan
    present their vision of the development of cooperation between Russia
    and Azerbaijan in various fields, from economics to the humanitarian
    sphere and information sphere. And in terms of pragmatic interests
    of Azerbaijan in the context of the prospects of a joint project
    of modernization we consider prerequisites for the development of
    an optimal size of interaction between Russia and other European
    countries and Azerbaijan. We come to the conclusion that, indeed,
    there are now real opportunities for deepening the cooperation
    between our countries in a pragmatic and mutually beneficial basis,
    the implementation of mutually beneficial modernization project.

    Ibrahim Ibragimov, an expert of the Diplomatic Academy

    I would like to acknowledge the important role carried by the
    Foundation of Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani Youth Organization in
    strengthening Azerbaijani-Russian relations, since in recent years
    Russia and Azerbaijan both pay great attention to youth policy and
    youth per se as a general engine of the societies of our states.

    For its part, Azerbaijan youth organization spends a lot of work to
    strengthen and develop cultural relations between Azerbaijan and
    Russia, establishing scientific and cultural contacts, including
    yearly workshops, summer schools in Azerbaijan, Baku, which involve a
    considerable number of Russian students. There is a constant exchange
    of views, and I think that such contacts between youth organizations
    should be, of course, expanded and deepened.

    Of course, with such actions we make a significant contribution to our
    future, because today, informing each other and the new generation
    in Azerbaijan and Russia about our countries and our cultures, we
    pass to them the connection possessed by our parents - I mean the
    humanitarian and cultural connection. And thus, perhaps, we provide
    a peaceful coexistence in the future.

    Alexander Karavayev, Deputy Director General Information and
    Analytical Center for the Study of the socio-political processes in
    the post-Soviet space

    I think, as regards Russian-Azerbaijani relations. Russian-Azerbaijani
    interaction, we cannot say that they have been too complicated. If we
    talk about the past 12 years or the last decade of our cooperation,
    for Russia this period which passed under the symbol and, say, under
    the emblem of Vladimir Putin's rule, while in Azerbaijan the first
    decade of the XXI century began with the transition from Heydar Aliyev
    to Ilham Aliyev and his full approval as an authoritative leader with
    his own strategy, with his own vector. I think, during this period
    our relations, in principle, witnessed no strong reductions of the
    intensity or, worse, crises. There have been various difficulties,
    complexities, the moments when the body of our interaction was placed
    in difficult circumstances.

    Naturally, we are in a difficult region: Russia and Azerbaijan are
    not Central European countries, who have long lived in the postwar
    world, for nearly a century, more than 70 years. We are in a very
    complex region, and the mass of external circumstances or active
    external actors, which do not negate one another, influence and build
    up certain conditions for our cooperation, and they are not always
    simple. However, during this time, I think, our leaders have found
    enough forces, and, as experience has shown, these forces were really
    embodied into concrete steps in order to circumvent the pitfalls and
    riffs that somehow appeared in the space of our social and economic

    I will, of course, give a few examples in order not to sound too
    abstract. Let's emphasize, perhaps, three or four areas and compare it
    with what we had with other countries. For example, as you remember,
    a time when Russia raised gas prices. Immediately, a whole string of
    conflicts with transit countries, a very complex problem, which flowed
    in geopolitics, have impacted on human relationships. At that time,
    Azerbaijan was in a transitional state - it consumes Russian gas,
    and then it became the importer of foreign markets. Perhaps that's
    an example of this period of relations against the backdrop of the
    conflicts which Russia had with Ukraine, Belarus and other countries.

    It clearly shows how to circumvent the difficulties and how to solve
    problems in a constructive way. Of course, influential in many ways
    was the fact that, due to minerals that belong to Azerbaijan, it
    felt more confident both on the regional and the global markets. But
    nonetheless, it is one of the examples of how to avoid difficulties
    while actually being in a complicated situation.

    The second point that have already been briefly discussed and
    touched upon in some the speeches, is Russia's position in the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. The matter us that,
    and this is quite fair, Russia operates with both right and left
    hand; with one hand it interacts with Baku and with another hand it
    works with Yerevan, without trying to put much pressure on Armenia,
    so that Armenia adopts a series of decisions towards normalization of
    relations with Baku. But, nevertheless, this circumstance - let's call
    it so, - this circumstance of a regional Russian geopolitics has not
    become a clinch, a dead-end area, where the relations between Baku
    and Moscow could enter, if other leaders wished so, for example, if
    in Baku foreign policy decisions were taken by other people. We do not
    have to go far for the example - just look at the relationship between
    Georgia and Russia, where intolerance and a number of irreconcilable
    actions eventually led to armed conflict in August 2008. Of course,
    here we must understand that for Russia is very difficult to find the
    key to this conflict, to approach this conflict in such a way as to at
    least maintain the level of interaction, and at maximum not to quarrel
    with the parties to the conflict. Therefore, we can understand the care
    with which the Kremlin operates. And I want to draw attention, again
    returning to the position of Baku, to the fact that during these years
    this circumstance has not become a limiter for our bilateral relations.

    Finally goes the third point, which perhaps has not been mentioned.

    But as soon as the organizer of today's events - is the central
    structure of the diaspora, All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress (AAC),
    we must say a few words about how the diaspora and its structure
    over the years avoided those crises that arose in connection with the
    migration, trade and economic policy of Russia within the country. The
    fact that there were several unpleasant moments for the diaspora in
    other countries is related to the fact that some previously authorized
    procedures were canceled, and new complexities and limitations were
    introduced. And I should pay tribute to the structure of the AAC -
    they always found a possible power and resources in order to find clues
    to find solutions in the regions, in collaboration with the executive
    power in Russia, in Moscow, at the federal level. Although, of course,
    we cannot say that this work was done entirely successfully, and yet,
    again, when compared with the position of other large communities in
    Russia, the situation of the Azerbaijani diaspora is, in this sense,
    quite successful and sustainable.

    VK: What do you think about today's conference?

    Rasim Musabekov, a political scientist, deputy of Milli Majlis of
    Azerbaijan Republic:

    It is good that basically for holidays we do not conduct some events
    where we praise each other or just say some nice words, but, instead,
    held a conference at which, though briefly, we were able to survey the
    path passed during the past 20 years both by Russia and Azerbaijan,
    and most importantly to see to what extent the cooperation between
    our countries has been strengthened, and what are prospects in this
    regard. I repeat, even though the result of this conference is not
    the adoption of a document or some other program but the exchange of
    views, in my opinion this is a very good way to celebrate the national
    holidays which were well paid tribute to both by Russia and Azerbaijan
    these days.

    How do you see the future of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan?

    Rasim Musabekov: I think that in the region, Azerbaijan is the main
    partner of Russia, a partner who does not pick on, a partner who does
    not constantly request something from Russia, such as preferences in
    the supply of energy resources, as other post-Soviet states do.

    Azerbaijan is ready to pay for everything. Azerbaijan is ready to
    actively cooperate with Russia on solving problems in the Caspian Sea,
    the North Caucasus, but at the same time strengthen the interaction
    on the third international markets. Given the fact that Azerbaijan is
    a member of the Security Council, I think that this interaction is
    important for Russia, also within the UN. The potential to develop
    Azerbaijan's relationship with Russia, and, importantly, mutually
    beneficial relationship is a very large and, I believe, it will
    constantly grow. The example is at least that we previously lacked
    cooperation in military technology, and now, perhaps, Azerbaijan is
    one of the main buyers of Russian weapons in the former Soviet Union,
    and it is a buyer who is not just borrowing something, but pays fully
    for all.
