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It's Time To Make Decision

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  • It's Time To Make Decision

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:00:21 - 18/06/2012

    ARF Dashnaktsutyun has been legally operating in the post-Soviet
    space for already 23-24 years. Over this time the party has assumed
    quite traditional positions in Armenia and its post-Soviet neighbors.

    It has been unable to acquire a defining role in Armenia because it
    initially conducted a policy of a national liberation organization,
    and after the end of repressions preferred the image of a parliamentary
    party of which there is abundance in Armenia. In times of relative
    peace and dominance of petty bourgeois values and priorities in the
    Armenian society it doomed ARF to stagnation and crisis.

    In this situation it was necessary to adopt new approaches and
    implement a more substantial external policy but the leaders of
    the party chose a path and principles which were always typical of
    another Armenian traditional party - the Liberal Democratic Party
    (Ramkavar Party), i.e. cooperate with the authorities in any case,
    under any circumstances.

    The grassroots were confused and trusted their leaders for a long
    time, who unfortunately were not distinguished for a high level of
    education and demonstrated lack of interest in conducting a policy
    as such. As a result, internal usurpation of power took place in
    the party, and its leaders tried to solve their problems through
    conformism and timeserving. It is common practice to involve in the
    campaign well-off people, there is an opinion that the party used
    absolutely shameful tricks in the elections and it led to absurd.

    The idea and task of the nation liberation organization was buried
    in this terrible petty bourgeois bog. All these games of democracy
    are good and even interesting if the main goal is pursued. One of the
    leaders of the party Vahan Hovanisyan who used to be relied on as an
    educated urban man is trying to condemn everyone who warns the party
    members about a catastrophe, failing to mention his own role in the
    tactics of conformism, silencing problems and reluctance to draw the
    attention of his friends on the meaningless and shameful policy.

    He writes about traditional methods of discrediting and splitting of
    the party by hostile forces and on the establishment of a number of
    parties for the purpose of opposing the ARF. Yes but who is dealing
    with it now? Who needs to deal with this party in the capacity of
    an opponent or a partner? There are no such. Vahan Hovanisyan thinks
    that I sign articles by the nickname Igor Muradyan, which is funny,
    of course. But he does not know with what nicknames I publish my
    articles and he will never know about it. As to by what nicknames
    the members of ARF call their leaders, I might advise on it.



    Perhaps, it has not occurred to any ARF party leader that in the
    past two decades a lot of people who are absolutely distanced
    from the party addressed goals which should have been implemented
    by the party itself. It is a time when the "internal discussion"
    in the party is over. Most members of the party understand all the
    problems and reasons of its current situation. It is time to pass
    from discussion to drafting an action plan, and there is nothing
    strange and unacceptable about some people having to support certain
    political circles of the party.

    Currently, one of the goals of the Armenian organization of
    Dashnaktsutyun is the choice of partners in the West. Throughout
    years of inhibitions caused by allegations regarding ties with foreign
    states, the party did not undertake decisions on promoting relations
    with certain states, thereby ceding these goals to unknown groups. In
    different stages the ARF was in a quest and had certain success in
    foreign political activities. However, now there cannot be a more
    acceptable and primary partner to the ARF than the United States.

    The United States is the most interested "pole" in reviewing state
    borders in a number of regions, and in any case does not include this
    in its strategy. But the most important thing in the U.S. policy is
    the strategy of restraining Turkey's regional expansion. Who else
    would be a more important partner to the ARF?

    The Americans have not found a more or less acceptable partner in
    Armenia because the old partners are eventually discredited, and
    the new ones have not acquired the appropriate position. Perhaps the
    foreign policy will be the locomotive of unfolding the activities of
    the ARF. The political parties of the modern period are in the past,
    it is time of the parties of the post-modern period.

    Guys, there are always hardships. But we are in a breakthrough and
    this is very important.
