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"Armenia Needs A Powerful State To Overcome All The Social, Economic

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  • "Armenia Needs A Powerful State To Overcome All The Social, Economic


    16:41, June 18, 2012

    To: "We are the owners of our city" civic initiative

    "Save Teghut" civic initiative

    Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (IDHR)

    "Our city" civic initiative

    "Trchkan" civil movement

    All Armenian citizens and other movements fighting for human rights

    Geneva, 12 June 2012

    Dear friends,

    With these few lines we wish to express our deepest gratitude to
    you for the fight that you have been leading since a few years to
    save the ancient lands of the Armenian nation from being destroyed by
    mining activities, as well as for the unprecedented achievement of the
    liberation of the Mashtots Park which has been an undeniable victory of
    our constitutional rights, thanks to your determination and struggle.

    We share with you the conviction that we have the moral duty to
    preserve our lands inherited from our ancestors and pass them down
    to our future generations, to reinforce our national borders by
    populating the contiguous villages instead of undermining them by
    dislocating people for mining reasons. If, however, our national
    natural resources are to be exploited in some way, it must uniquely be
    done with the consent of the Armenian people because the sovereignty
    of the nation resides in them, hence, every decision relating to the
    national long-term interests belongs to them.

    You have been solemnly defending our constitutional rights days and
    nights, during cold winter in Mashtots Park, Trchkan, Teghut or Kajaran
    in order to perpetuate the existence of our nation, to preserve its
    wonderful nature so that it does not turn into a big mining hole filled
    up with tones of chemical waste as a gift for our future generations.

    These unprecedented civic movements have been inspirational giving us
    the will to rise up for our constitutional rights and made us believe
    in the future of Armenia that we all have dreamt to see for so many
    years after the birth of the third republic.

    Armenia needs a powerful state to overcome all the social, economic
    and political issues that the country is facing today, but prior to
    that it needs a powerful civil society because the state is precisely
    the expression and product of the civil society and the will of
    its nation. Without a healthy, mature and educated civil society we
    will never be able to produce a healthy and a powerful state with
    its supreme mission to perpetuate the prosperity and existence of
    the nation.

    Thus, we express our unconditional support and gratitude to our
    brothers and sisters for defending our national resources and
    nature, for fighting for our civil rights and the supremacy of our
    constitution, for building a powerful and healthy civil society
    based on mutual respect and love for each other as well as for the
    mother nature and which will be secured by the supreme power of the
    Armenian Constitution.

    With our warm regards,

    Hakob Aslanyan

    Tigran Tonoyan

    Anush Sargsyan

    Arsen Torosyan

    Artush Yeghiazaryan

    Liana Ghukasyan

    Meda Khachaturyan

    Nejdeh Khachaturyan

    Garabed Yelegen

    Ashot Ghazaryan

    Bagdasar Kushkian

    Alice Mehtemetian

    Hrant Sahakyan

    Asya Mikhaylidis-Sahakyan

    Armen Petrosyan

    Lusine Aslanyan

    Armen Zargaryan

    Nune Magoyan

    Arnold Mikhaylidis

    Armen Margaryan

    Hripsime Margaryan

    Zareh Kurkdjian

    Vahan Mkhitaryan

    Lyudvig Yeghiazaryan

    Christine Sedef

    Sarkis Shahinian

    Astrig Marandjian

    Frederic Lapeyre

    Ani Mnatsakanian

    Anna Sargsyan

    Petar Kuruch

    Lilit Tovmasyan

    Ofelya Hovhannisyan

    Gor Sultanyan

    Agnieszka Suska

    Raffi Garibian

    Ani Garibian

    Aline Dedeyan

    Gohar Oganessian

    Gework Oganessian

    Anelga Arslanian

    Viken Cheterian
