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BAKU: International Organizations Sharply Criticize Repressions In A

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  • BAKU: International Organizations Sharply Criticize Repressions In A



    BAKU. June 17, 2012. Major international organizations have
    issued statements sharply criticizing the Azerbaijani authorities
    for persecution of photo-reporter Mehman Huseynov, journalist Anar
    Bayramli and others. These arrests are seen as the post-Eurovision
    crackdown against civil society activists and the press that was
    expected by many observers.

    The Freedom House statement on this issue expressed "serious concern"
    with these arrests and harassment. "The Azerbaijani authorities are
    obliged to follow their obligations to the international community
    and their own laws and respect the freedom of speech and expression,"
    said Representative Susan Cork.

    The International Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called on
    authorities to immediately stop the criminal case against Mehman
    Huseynov. They regard his arrest as an outright suppression of the
    rights and freedoms of the press. CPJ notes that after the Eurovision
    Contest, officials announced a hunt for those involved in the project
    "Sing in the name of democracy" and those who denounced the violation
    of human rights and freedoms, and called for a boycott of the ESC in
    Baku. The command for an attack on civil society activists and the
    press was unprecedented in its nature and came in a public speech
    given by the main ideologue of the Presidential Administration,
    Ali Hasanov, when he openly called for expression of "public hatred"
    against the dissidents in Azerbaijan.

    Another organization - Human Rights Watch - said in a statement
    that the prosecution of Huseynov by the authorities was a response
    to the campaign "Sing for the sake of democracy" and criticism of
    Eurovision, as well as publications in the media of photo materials
    about police violence against the opposition. Criminal cases and
    arrests of Huseynov and others were a message from the authorities to
    other opposition activists to punish them, crush their will to demand
    their rights and defend freedom in the country, according to Human
    Rights Watch. In this regard, the organization called on international
    partners, in particular the European Broadcasting Union, to demand
    that Azerbaijani authorities put an end to this vicious practice,
    and to prevent further prosecution of the opposition. (Turan)
