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Canadian-Armenian Students Hold Convention In Montreal

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  • Canadian-Armenian Students Hold Convention In Montreal

    Published: Tuesday June 19, 2012

    An Armenian convention at McGill University.

    Montreal - For the fourth consecutive year, ARF Armen Karo Student
    Association organized its annual Armenian-Canadian Student Convention
    which was at Montreal's McGill University.

    On May 12 and 13 73 registrants from Vancouver, Windsor, Cambridge,
    Toronto and Montreal, representing 10 Armenian Students' Associations
    (ASAs) and 19 universities. The participants stayed at the Hotel
    Espresso in downtown Montreal.

    In addition to bringing the future leaders of our communities together,
    the Convention aimed to expose the students to several issues of
    concern for Armenia and the Diaspora, to provide them the opportunity
    to discuss and share their experiences within their ASAs.

    The talks given by the invited speakers ranged from environmental
    activism and volunteering opportunities in Armenia, to conflict
    in Karabakh and expression of Armenian identity. Each lecture was
    followed by a question & answer session which allowed the students
    an opportunity to express their opinions and further discuss points
    of interest.

    The first speaker was Ms Sevan Beukian, a PhD candidate in Political
    Science at the University of Alberta. She presented her dissertation
    focusing on the role of women during the Karabakh war and the impact of
    memory, Diaspora and nationalism in the Republic of Armenia's nation
    building process. The second speaker was Ms Gayaneh Melkom Melkomian,
    a full-time lawyer involved in civic activism in Yerevan.

    She joined the Convention via Skype and shared her personal experiences
    in the recent environmental movements in Teghut and Mashtots Park. The
    other two lecture topics focused on different opportunities to
    volunteer in Armenia and become part of its reality.

    Mr Sevan Kabakian, Country Director of Birthright Armenia (Depi Hayk),
    presented the program and talked about volunteering in Armenia and
    its effects on both the local community and the volunteer. Finally,
    Ms Lory Abrakian, Coordinator of the Armenian Youth Federation of
    Canada's Camp Vanadzor, spoke about the different activities organized
    at the camp and the children's perspective on them.

    The Zoraganch Foundation, dedicated to contributing to the social
    and financial needs of the families of soldiers who sacrificed their
    lives during the Artsakh War, was also briefly presented, after which
    the the Convention attendees made a modest contribution.

    Besides these lectures, representatives of each ASA had the chance
    to present the activities of their respective associations during
    the preceding academic year. The ensuing conversations and workshops
    allowed those present to discuss the challenges and successes of
    ASAs and our Armenian communities in general. Challenges faced by
    students on university campuses, supporting civic activism in Armenia,
    temporary or permanent repatriation and the status of Armenian language
    and history curricula in our education systems were discussed.

    A social event at downtown Montreal's Altitude Club 737, as well
    as several hours of free time over the course of the this two-day
    event, created a more relaxed atmosphere allowing the participants
    to socialize and get better acquainted.

    The fifth annual Convention is expected to take place
    in Toronto in mid-May 2013. Details can be received
    by writing [email protected] or by visiting

    Founded in July 2005, Armen Karo Student Association's mission is
    to assist Armenian Student Associations at Canadian universities,
    to promote Armenian studies on university campuses, and to mobilise
    our communities in furthering the Armenian Cause athrough political,
    academic and intellectual means on a local, provincial and national
