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Karabakh Mediators: Silence Of The Lambs Or Life-Losing Diplomacy

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  • Karabakh Mediators: Silence Of The Lambs Or Life-Losing Diplomacy

    Marina Ananikyan

    June 19, 2012 - 18:45 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - On June 18, Paris hosted Karabakh settlement meeting
    of Armenian and Azeri Foreign Ministers, Edward Nalbandian and Elmar

    Without meeting details announced, OSCE MG co-chairs and ministers
    issued yet another joint statement expressing concern over incidents
    at contact line, urging to adhere to ceasefire agreement and promising
    further efforts to settle the conflict.

    In Karabakh capital, the officials believe the Paris-hosted meeting
    to be a preparation to the oncoming meeting of Armenian and Azeri
    leaders. Well, let's wait and see.

    Also, in the framework of G-20 summit, Presidents of the OSCE Minsk
    Group Co-Chair countries, Vladimir Putin (Russia), Barack Obama (U.S.)
    and Francois Hollande (France) issued a joint statement on Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict settlement.

    The statement, like many previous ones, expressed commitment to
    a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, called
    to "accelerate" reaching agreement on the Basic Principles for a
    Settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict. The parties also urged
    the leaders to be guided by the principles of the Helsinki Final Act -
    particularly those relating to the non-use of force or the threat of
    force, territorial integrity, and equal rights and self-determination
    of peoples. The parties pledged to work closely to achieve peaceful

    As expected, neither OSCE MG co-chairs, nor the presidents of the
    co-chairing countries dared face the truth, and point out to the
    side undermining settlement talks, ignoring mediators' urges and
    armament-related treaties. Seems like superpowers are guided by their
    own interests (is it only oil?) in turning a blind eye to Azeri
    negligence to their urges, Baku's permanent ceasefire violations
    and attacks of Armenian border villages. One of such attacks was,
    in fact timed to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to
    South Caucasus. The Secretary, however, showed little interest in
    the incident.

    The mediators have also conveniently "forgotten" about Azeri attacks
    at the border with Artsakh, which claimed the lives of Armenian and
    NKR soldiers, as well as Azeri saboteurs.

    Neither did the co-chairs notice reports on Azeri snipers' deployment
    at the border with Armenia.

    Such connivance of Baku's criminal actions poorly matches urges
    for rapid and peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict. Or is a
    demonstration of diplomacy? Yet, Armenia and Artsakh are the ones to
    pay for it with the lives of their soldiers.
