Liana Yeghiazaryan
20.06.2012 16:46
Today is the International Refugee Day, which is a proper occasion
to speak about the problems of people forced to leave their homeland
because of violence or war.
There are a total of about 43 mln refugees all over the world. About
half a million Armenians were forced to flee from Azerbaijan after
the Arsakh liberation war.
Armenia took too heavy a burden, when half a million Armenians fled
to small Armenia in blockade, President of the Assembly of Azerbaijani
Armenians Grigory Ayvazyan told reporters today.
Studies have shown that people, who have found shelter in Armenia,
get citizenship easier than in other countries, but they have to wait
longer for their social problems to be solved. On behalf of Azerbaijani
Armenians, Grigory Ayvazyan blames Azerbaijan for illegally seizing
their property.
Grigory Ayvazyan believes, Azerbaijani Armenians could make an
important contribution to the settlement of the ongoing conflict
with Azerbaijan.
President of the Assembly of Azerbaijani Armenians says Armenia does
not give an equivalent response to the subversive acts unleashed by
Azerbaijan. It would help restrain the Azerbaijanis although it might
increase the risk of war, he said.
From: A. Papazian
Liana Yeghiazaryan
20.06.2012 16:46
Today is the International Refugee Day, which is a proper occasion
to speak about the problems of people forced to leave their homeland
because of violence or war.
There are a total of about 43 mln refugees all over the world. About
half a million Armenians were forced to flee from Azerbaijan after
the Arsakh liberation war.
Armenia took too heavy a burden, when half a million Armenians fled
to small Armenia in blockade, President of the Assembly of Azerbaijani
Armenians Grigory Ayvazyan told reporters today.
Studies have shown that people, who have found shelter in Armenia,
get citizenship easier than in other countries, but they have to wait
longer for their social problems to be solved. On behalf of Azerbaijani
Armenians, Grigory Ayvazyan blames Azerbaijan for illegally seizing
their property.
Grigory Ayvazyan believes, Azerbaijani Armenians could make an
important contribution to the settlement of the ongoing conflict
with Azerbaijan.
President of the Assembly of Azerbaijani Armenians says Armenia does
not give an equivalent response to the subversive acts unleashed by
Azerbaijan. It would help restrain the Azerbaijanis although it might
increase the risk of war, he said.
From: A. Papazian