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Armenia's Foreign Policy Priorities Highlighted

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  • Armenia's Foreign Policy Priorities Highlighted

    Shavarsh Kocharyan

    Armenia's Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan

    YEREVAN-The resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as
    ensuring regional security are Armenia's top foreign policy priorities
    in the coming five years, according to deputy foreign minister Shavarsh
    Kocharyan, who outlined Yerevan's outlook in an interview with

    "Obviously, one of Armenia's most important foreign policy objectives
    is the resolution of the Karabakh conflict," said Kocharyan. "To
    this end, greater steps will be taken to involve Nagorno-Karabakh
    in the negotiation process. Everyone realizes that it is difficult
    to speak about the effectiveness of talks without Karabakh's
    participation. Naturally, we assume that the basis for resolving the
    conflict should be Karabakh people's right to self-determination."

    Kocharyan also said that Armenian and the Nargono-Karabakh Republic
    must work together to halt attempts to a military solution to the

    "Armenia will continue to support all steps taken by the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, aimed at its economic development,
    strengthening of its defense capabilities, and in general the two
    Armenian states together will continue to move toward the development
    of a democratic society," said Kocharyan.

    "Azerbaijan continues to engage in misleading publicity stunts and
    uses the talks as a cover for its policies. Our goal is to expose
    the distortion promoted by Azerbaijan and present the true course
    of events. We are not distorting the international law, it is on
    side," added Kocharyan. "The truth is that the conflict broke out
    and turned into war due to Azerbaijan's power politics. It is not
    a mere coincidence that the position voiced by Armenia is coherent
    with those expressed by the co-chairing states and representatives
    of different international agencies."

    Kocharyan said Azerbaijan's actions and statements run counter to
    the steps proposed by the international mediators in order to create
    an atmosphere of trust and build confidence between the two people,
    which he said is a prerequisite for achieving a comprehensive peace

    "Thus, the mediators are calling for the withdrawal of snipers from the
    contact line. While Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia support the proposal,
    Azerbaijan is against it," explained Kocharyan. "The mediators propose
    the establishment of mechanisms to investigate the incidents on the
    frontline and again, Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia are supportive,
    while Azerbaijan is against the initiative. In response to calls
    by the international community to maintain the ceasefire agreement
    Azerbaijan continues to stage acts of sabotage."

    In coming years, Armenia's foreign policy will continue to develop in
    the direction which pursues the goal to ensure protection of the state
    interests, the country's security, creation of favorable external
    conditions for economic development, enhancing the international
    image of Armenia, ensuring regional stability and security.

    Kocharyan also highlighted Armenia's priority to work toward the
    prevention and condemnation of crimes against humanity such as

    "This aspect is especially important in light of the 100th anniversary
    of the tragedy the Armenian people survived. The efforts that have been
    initiated are important not only for our country and the Diaspora,
    but for the entire world. The unpunished crimes against humanity and
    their denial create fertile ground for recurrence of similar events,"
    said Kocharyan.

    "Preparations have already begun to mark the 100th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide in 2015. It must be taken into consideration that
    Turkey is extremely concerned about this date, and with has begun to
    persistently mobilize its forces, including the communities abroad,
    in an attempt to hinder the process of international recognition of
    the Armenian Genocide. However, this [effort by Turkey] will not stop
    the process of international recognition. By denying the Genocide, the
    leadership of modern Turkey resembles the Ottoman Turkish government
    which perpetrated the Genocide," said Kocharyan.

    The deputy foreign minister also highlighted the strengthening of
    relations with strategic partners, such a Russia, as an integral
    foreign policy objective. Development of relations with the US and
    the EU and advancing ties with neighbors, such as Georgia and Iran
    were also described as being of "great importance" for Yerevan.

    Expanded cooperation with China, India, Japan, the Arab world,
    as well as developing relations with Africa and Latin America will
    also, according to Kocharyan, be a focal point of Armenia's foreign
    policy priorities.

    Kocharyan explained that Armenia's membership in the Collective
    Security Treaty Organization and its relations with Russia ensure
    military and political security of Armenia while it also works with
    NATO and European powers.

    Armenia's close working ties with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing
    states and the OSCE Chairman in Office will also facilitate the
    advancement of peace in the region, according to Kocharyan.
