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BAKU: Azerbaijani Government Plots Against Union Of Azerbaijani Cine

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani Government Plots Against Union Of Azerbaijani Cine



    BAKU. June 21, 2012: Today, a group of well known actors, film
    directors and film producers of Azerbaijan established the Union
    of Azerbaijani Cinematographers. A union of cinematographers under
    a similar name already exists and is headed by Rustam Ibrahimbeyov,
    famous Azerbaijani writer and author of many successful movie screens,
    including the "Burnt By the Sun" which received the Academy Award
    under the foreign movie nomination in 1994. Rustam Ibrahimbeyov
    had a fallout with the Azerbaijani government after he started
    participating in the work of the Forum of Intelligentsia which sharply
    criticized the authoritarianism and corruption in Azerbaijan. The
    Azerbaijani government expressed its discomfort with the fact that
    Rustam Ibrahimbayov voiced dissent while heading a quasi-state
    organization which was intended to trumpet the propaganda line of
    the Azerbaijani government. This discomfort was expressed in the
    government owned newspapers, the TV channels and Radio, where the
    people who described themselves to be "the true intelligentsia"
    attacked Rustam Ibrahimbeyov's credentials. The establishment of
    the new organization under the same name of the Union of Azerbaijani
    Cinematographers followed the unsuccessful attempts of the Azerbaijani
    government to unseat Rustam Ibrahimbeyov in the existing Union of
    Azerbaijani Cinematographers.

    The actress Shafiga Mamedova was elected a chairman of the new Union
    of Azerbaijani Cinematographers. The Board membership includes Ayaz
    Salayev- screenwriter, director of channel "Medeniyet" Jamil Guliyev,
    director of "Space" TV channel, Vagif Mustafayev, film director
    Oktay Mirgasimov, screenwriter Ramiz Fataliyev, artists and Mais
    Agabekov and Yusif Guliyev, composer Siyavush Karimi, director of
    the film studio "Azerbaijanfilm" Mushfik Khatamov , director of the
    film studio "Narimanfilm" Nariman Mammadov. The local press was not
    invited to the event but the Azerbaijani government was represented
    by the Deputy Prime Minister Elchin Efendiyev and the Minister of
    Culture Abulfaz Garayev.

    Turan News Agency reports that in his speech at the constituent
    assembly of a new organization, Vagif Mustafayev, a film director
    and the board member of the newly established union, criticized the
    Union of cinematographers led by Rustam Ibrahimbeyov and justified
    the need for the establishment of an alternative structure.

    Turan News Agency attempted to talk to Oktay Mirgasimov to find out
    about his position. Mirgasimov said he could not give a comment on
    the phone, and promised to do it later. At the same time, he justified
    the creation of a new organization, described the existing situation
    in the Azerbaijani cinema as "crisis" and expressed a hope that the
    situation in the Azerbaijani cinematography would improve.

    Another participant of the event, Ayaz Salayev told Turan, that he
    was not the initiator of this meeting. "I was invited, and I went,
    because I have hopes that the new alliance will bring the development
    of the Azerbaijan cinematography," he said.

    Turan News Agency managed to get some comments from Rustam Ibrahimbeyov
    on this topic. Rustam Ibrahimbeyov said he was not surprised to see
    this development and added the following: "Creating another Union at
    present is irrational. Moreover, the meeting of a union on creative
    activities was attended by the members of the Azerbaijani government,
    suggesting the involvement of the authorities in this scheme."

    Answering the question if a new union was established as an alternative
    to his organization, Ibrahimbeyov said he could not rule out that the
    establishment of a new organization was meant to serve that purpose. He
    said that it is easy to establish an organization, but the main
    thing is the goal of the organization. "Now, if the new union helps
    to raise cinema, we will be happy, " he said. "They (the Azerbaijani
    government -ed.) did not allow us create a school of filmmakers, the
    festival and other initiatives. If the new organization succeeds in
    doing all of this, let them do it by all means," said Ibrahimbeyov.

    Speaking on how he regarded the transfer of his colleagues to the new
    Union, namely the participation of Oktay Mirgasimova, Ayaz Salayev and
    several others in the new organization, Ibrahimbeyov said everyone was
    free to make a choice. "It is not a question of law; it is a question
    of conscience. To be honest, I was surprised by their actions. But as
    for Vagif Mustafayev, I am not surprised. Ten years ago, we excluded
    him from the Union for unethical behavior," said Ibrahimbeyov
