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New Armenian-Azerbaijani war to bury sovereignty of 3 So Caucasian s

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  • New Armenian-Azerbaijani war to bury sovereignty of 3 So Caucasian s

    New Armenian-Azerbaijani war to bury sovereignty of three South
    Caucasian states - Georgian FM
    June 23, 2012 | 12:55

    A new Armenian-Azerbaijani war will bury sovereignty and independence
    of all three South Caucasian states, said Georgian FM Grigol Vashadze.

    `I hope sincerely that the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group will lead
    to a speedy solution. However, a third party works actively so that
    the Minsk Group will not achieve results and tension at the line of
    contact will continue as long as possible,' Vashadze told Ukrainian
    Zerkalo nedeli weekly. Asked whether he meant Russia by saying `a
    third party' he noted, `As the saying goes, guess yourself'.

    He also spoke about trilateral Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey cooperation
    pointing out the Trabzon declaration signed by the sides.

    `We jointly participate in large infrastructure projects and would
    like to expand cooperation to other fields. Besides, the region is
    faced with challenges, all the three states - Azerbaijan, Georgia and
    Turkey - are often obliged to respond. I would like to stress that
    this format is not aimed at any other state or a group of states,' he
