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U.S. Congressman calls for condemnation of Azerbaijani aggression

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  • U.S. Congressman calls for condemnation of Azerbaijani aggression

    U.S. Congressman calls for condemnation of Azerbaijani aggression

    June 23, 2012 - 11:16 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Earlier this week, as part of the Terjenian-Thomas
    Internship Program, the 2012 intern class met with Armenian Caucus
    Co-Chair Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), reported the Armenian
    Assembly of America (Assembly).

    In providing an overview of U.S. policy in the South Caucasus region,
    Congressman Pallone shared his concern regarding the recent ceasefire
    violations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and expressed his
    disappointment that the State Department did not do more publicly to
    condemn Azerbaijan's latest assault.

    Pallone also discussed the Nagorno Karabakh peace process, noting that
    such acts of aggression by Azerbaijan did not help facilitate a
    peaceful settlement but rather served to undermine the mediation
    efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.

    Turning to current legislative items, in addition to the Armenian
    Genocide resolution, Congressman Pallone also discussed his ongoing
    concerns with H.R. 2362, the Indian Tribal Trade and Investment
    Demonstration Act.

    The Bill aims to give Turkey preferential access to tribal lands and
    give Turkish enterprises an unfair advantage here in the United
    States. "While there is no disagreement that the United States
    government should seek measures to invigorate the economy and promote
    economic development in Indian Country, providing monopoly access to
    Turkey only gives them a pass on their actions which run counter to
    U.S. interests," stated Congressman Pallone.

    Congressman Pallone encouraged those present to continue to remain
    involved in the Assembly's advocacy efforts and also to help educate
    others on the issues facing Armenia and Karabakh.

    "The Armenian Caucus plays an important role in helping to strengthen
    the U.S.-Armenia relationship," stated Alissa Tabirian, a Russian and
    East European Studies major at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.
    "The meeting was insightful and we appreciated the fact that the
    Congressman not only addressed current issues, but also helped us to
    better understand the actions that we must take in order to aid future
    progress in Armenia," added Tabirian.
