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Turkish media troubled with Armenian format of participation in BSEC

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  • Turkish media troubled with Armenian format of participation in BSEC

    Turkish media is troubled with Armenian format of participation in BSEC

    Turkish media pays attention towards the format of Armenian
    participation in Black Sea Economical Cooperation (BSEC) session in

    Turkish media pay attention to the fact that Turkey invited Armenian
    president to participate in the session but Armenia will be presented
    by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. CNN Turk entitled the
    article `Armenia participates in BSEC, but...'.

    According to the article Turkish President Abdullah Gul will host a
    BSEC jubilee summit devoted to the 20th anniversary of the
    cooperation's activities. As the spokesman of the Turkish Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs Seljuk Unal informed only Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova
    and Serbia will participate on President's level. Russian, Bulgarian
    and Albanian Prime Ministers will participate in the summit.

    BSEC included 12 countries of South Balkans and Black Sea. It was
    established in 1992. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia,
    Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine are
    current permanent members of BSEC. Armenia chaired BSEC in 2008-2009.

    23.06.12, 12:42
