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Authorities of Armenia must help Syrian-Armenians - expert

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  • Authorities of Armenia must help Syrian-Armenians - expert

    Authorities of Armenia must help Syrian-Armenians - expert
    June 23, 2012 | 03:08

    YEREVAN. - Authorities of Armenia should establish a special
    structure, which will elaborate a program for re-populating
    representatives of the Armenian community in Syria, expert of the Arab
    studies Armen Petrosyan told Armenian

    `Situation in Syria is very tense, Armenians living in the state have
    appeared in a difficult situation. They took no one's side during the
    developed local conflict. Despite they traditionally supported the
    authorities, but in reality they were politically neutral. Currently
    civil war is unleashed in the country and their physical existence is
    at risk,' the expert said adding the program will assist the Armenians
    to come out of the problem to some extent.

    Besides, representatives of the community should be involved in the
    program, as well as contacts should be established with the

    As for information spread by outlets that over 4,500 Syrian-Armenians
    have turned to the Armenian authorities for acquiring the citizenship,
    the expert said that they will need the citizenship for going to the
    United States, Australia or Canada, as well as United Arab Emirates,
    Kuwait. Petrosyan once again stated that Armenian authorities should
    make all possible efforts to preserve the community as it is a part of
    national and cultural wealth of the Armenian people.
