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Aslanian Named Armenian Chair At UCLA

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  • Aslanian Named Armenian Chair At UCLA

    By Meg Sullivan

    Armenian Weekly
    June 26, 2012

    An award-winning young historian has been selected to fill a chair
    originally occupied by retired UCLA historian Richard Hovannisian,
    who is widely regarded as the world's dean of Armenian studies.

    Sebouh Aslanian Sebouh David Aslanian, who joined UCLA's department
    of history in September 2011 as an assistant professor of history,
    was installed May 22 in the Richard Hovannisian Endowed Chair.

    "It was a challenge to find a scholar who could one day fill Richard
    Hovannisian's large shoes," said David Myers, chair of UCLA's history
    department. "But we believe that Sebouh Aslanian is that person,
    and we are delighted and honored to have him."

    Born and raised in Ethiopia, Aslanian is the grandson of Armenian
    immigrants who fled the Ottoman Empire in the 1890's. His maternal
    grandfather, George Djerrahian, co-founded the first privately owned
    printing press in Ethiopia in 1931. The family emigrated to the United
    States in 1976, on the heels of the Ethiopian Revolution, and then
    settled in the United Arab Emirates, where Aslanian attended middle
    school, before moving to Canada.

    After completing his undergraduate degree at McGill University in
    Montreal, Aslanian received his Ph.D. with distinction from Columbia
    University. Before joining UCLA's faculty, he taught at California
    State University, Long Beach; Cornell University; the University of
    Michigan; and Whitman College. From 2009-10, Aslanian was a Mellon
    Foundation postdoctoral fellow in world history at Cornell.

    Able to conduct research in a range of European languages (French,
    Italian, and Spanish) as well as classical Armenian, Aslanian is
    fluent in the western and eastern dialects of modern Armenian. In
    addition, he is one of the few scholars active today who is able to
    conduct research in the dialect of Julfa-the home, until the early
    17th century, of a group of Armenian merchants near today's republic
    of Armenia.

    The history of the merchants, who were resettled under the Persian
    empire in New Julfa, a suburb of today's Iranian metropolis of Isfahan,
    is a central theme of Aslanian's scholarship. He is also involved
    in global microhistory, a new trend in world history scholarship
    that explores the details of the lives of marginal or previously
    overlooked figures as windows onto larger processes and trends shaping
    global history.

    "With the skill of a detective, he traces the entwined byways of
    commerce and culture traveled by Armenian merchants as they made
    their way from Julfa to India to Europe and back," Myers said.

    Aslanian is the author of From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean:
    The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants From New Julfa
    (University of California Press, 2011), a history of the emergence
    and growth of a global trade network operated by Armenian merchants.

    Tracing a network of commercial settlements that stretched from London
    and Amsterdam to Manila and Acapulco, from the early 17th to the late
    18th centuries, the book was selected for the PEN Center USA literary
    award for the most outstanding first book of 2011 to come from the
    UC Press.

    "Sebouh David Aslanian has been tireless in his consultation of
    archival sources in India, Armenia, and Iran, throughout Europe,
    and even in Mexico," said a review of the book that appeared in the
    Times Literary Supplement.

    With the goal of illuminating the little-told history of French
    expansion into the Indian Ocean, Aslanian is now working on a
    microhistory of an Armenian merchant from Julfa, Marcara Avachintz,
    who in 1666 was appointed by Louis XIV and his minister of finance,
    Jean-Baptiste Colbert, as the first regional director in the Indian
    Ocean and Iran of the newly created French East India Company.

    He also is working on the history of the Santa Catharina, an
    Armenian-freighted ship that was seized by the British navy in 1748
    against the backdrop of the War of the Austrian Succession. Using more
    than 2,000 pieces of family and mercantile correspondence that were
    on the ship at the time of its capture, Aslanian plans to illuminate
    the larger history of globalization in the Indian Ocean arena during
    the 17th and 18th centuries.

    In addition, Aslanian is gathering material for a third book on the
    history of diasporic Armenian print culture across a range of areas,
    including Venice, Amsterdam, and Madras. In a related activity, he is
    organizing a two-day international conference at UCLA on the history
    of Armenian print culture. Entitled "Port Cities and Printers,"
    the Nov. 10-11 conference will celebrate the 500th anniversary of
    the printing of the first Armenian book in Venice.

    At UCLA, Aslanian has taught a sweeping, two-quarter survey of Armenian
    history from its genesis to the 18th century. He has also taught a
    seminar in one of his areas of specialization-the early modern period
    of Armenian history (1500-1800).

    Aslanian was selected for the chair in April 2011 after a yearlong
    international search.

    "It's a wonderful honor to have this position," Aslanian said. "I'm
    extremely grateful, and it's an excellent fit because I get to do
    both things I can't live without-researching and teaching."

    Richard Hovannisian retired last year after a 50-year career at UCLA.

    While earning an international reputation as a pioneer in the field
    of Armenian studies, he organized both the undergraduate and graduate
    programs in Armenian history at UCLA and amassed one of the largest
    collections of oral histories by survivors of the Armenian Genocide
    of 1915-23.

    "As the towering figure in the study of modern Armenian history,
    Professor Hovannisian not only undertook path-breaking and far-reaching
    research. He established UCLA as the major center of instruction and
    research in modern Armenian history in the world," Myers said.
