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Sergo Melikyan: One Should Revive The System Of Technical Education

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  • Sergo Melikyan: One Should Revive The System Of Technical Education


    Tuesday, June 26, 15:06

    ArmInfo's Interview with Director of Integrator Ltd., Candidate of
    Technical Sciences Sergo Melikyan

    The unique company Integrator Ltd. has been operating in Yerevan since
    May 2008. It develops and manufactures high-tech laboratory equipment
    for hands-on study of a whole range of educational subjects, including
    Strength of Materials, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Electric
    Motors and Machines, etc. The company also develops SCADA systems,
    which are industrial control and electric equipment diagnostic tools.

    Mr. Melikyan, what idea was the creation of your company based on?

    In 2007 a branch of the National Instruments (USA) opened in Armenia.

    On its initiative the students of technical universities of Armenia
    started studying the modern engineering technologies in the sphere
    of automation on the basis of up-to-date devices. At the same time,
    the established engineers were retrained. Thus, with the entry
    of National Instruments in Armenia, the recovery of engineering
    started in Armenia. As a result, in addition to our enterprise,
    10 more companies have been set up in the country, which conduct
    research and engineering activities throughout the world (Russia,
    Arab countries, India, Malaysia, Singapore, etc.).

    In 2008 Integrator Ltd. designed a training stand for the practical
    classes on the Strength of Materials. Later on, by developing the
    existing stands and creating new ones, we designed 12 stands for
    various subjects (Strength of Materials, Electrical Engineering,
    Electronics, Electric Motors and Machines, etc). Initially, our
    customs were the universities of Moscow, and in 2011 we entered the
    markets of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore, Belarus.

    Did Integrator Ltd. participate in the exhibitions organized in
    Armenia or abroad? What benefits did the participation give you?

    In 2009-2011 the company participated in the annual DigiŠ¢ec
    exhibitions in Yerevan. We signed up orders from the Yerevan State
    University and the State Engineering University of Armenia for
    production of training stands for Strength of Materials, Electrical
    Engineering, Electronics, Electric Motors and Machines, and received
    other proposals from the educational establishments. In May 2012 we
    attended an exhibition abroad for the first time. It was an exhibition
    of training stands in Beirut (Lebanon). Our specialists also visited
    several higher educational establishments in Moscow to discuss the
    possible orders for production of training equipment.

    What measures do you think should be taken to set up the laboratory
    equipment of Integrator Ltd. at the Armenian higher and vocational
    technical institutions?

    I can say that the Armenian higher and vocational technical
    institutions have very few laboratory facilities, especially,
    up-to-date ones, to hold practical classes. I think first and foremost
    the higher educational establishments and the Ministry of Education
    should be concerned over it. As for Integrator Ltd., we are ready to
    fulfill any order for laboratory equipment at the level of the latest
    scientific and technological achievements.

    Will the equipment of Integrator used in the National Engineering
    Laboratory, which will be set up on the base of the Engineering
    University by late 2012?

    Certainly, it will, especially as the themes of our stands are referred
    to the University's curricula.

    In case of growth in demand for the equipment f Integrator Ltd.,
    has the company got a potential for expansion?

    Certainly, it has. At first, we had big difficulties in selecting
    engineering personnel, but now we can already choose specialists
    among the graduates of our universities. For instance, a specialist,
    who has received a Master's degree this year, is currently working
    in the company. I think this is the result of the training courses
    for engineers held by the Yerevan branch of National Instruments.

    Does the company acquire components in Armenia or abroad?

    The company cooperates with tool companies of Armenia, and
    everything regarding the mechanics and the appearance of the stands
    is manufactured in the country. The electronic printed circuit boards
    and all the electronic components and devices are made abroad.

    I am very much concerned over the fact that only specialists of the
    pension age have remained at the companies of machine building and
    the allied sectors, and nobody is coming to replace them. I think it
    is necessary to revive the technical colleges and vocational schools
    and to raise their level.

    Can these spheres recover in a new way?

    The recovery takes place due to the enthusiasts' efforts. It is
    necessary to organize a market of orders in Armenia. As regards the
    taxation and customs policy, I think simplification and reduction
    of the period of the customs procedures when importing small lots
    of goods for research purposes, as well as simplification of taking
    the income tax, may promote development of the abovementioned sectors
    in Armenia. I think that the machine building and the allied sectors
    have been restored both thanks to and contrary to the state policy,
    because imperfect customs and tax legislation which does not take
    into consideration the specifics of the technological business.

    Thanks for the interview!

    From: Baghdasarian