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Samed Seidov: Azerbaijan Wants To Work At PACE With De Facto Authori

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  • Samed Seidov: Azerbaijan Wants To Work At PACE With De Facto Authori

    by Oksana Musaelyan

    Wednesday, June 27, 13:46

    ArmInfo's interview with the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to
    PACE Samad Seidov

    The PACE President is against the revival of the ad hoc committee on
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Considering the past experience - when the Turkish
    PACE President showed an opportunist approach towards this problem -
    it seems quite easy to predict the future of this structure. What
    are you going to do in this situation?

    We believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh problem should be considered
    in the framework of the Council of Europe, and all attempts to debar
    the CE from this process are not right: we can't leave everything to
    the discretion of the OSCE Minsk Group. Nobody objects to the MG's
    mediating the peace process. Simply, there are several negotiating
    formats. Some points need coordination by the presidents, but there
    are also problems requiring confidence building measures and meetings
    among public representatives and MPs. This is what we advocate.

    Azerbaijan has never wanted to work with Nagorno-Karabakh and has
    never regarded it as a full party to the conflict...

    Who says we don't want? When speaking at PACE yesterday, I said that
    Nagorno-Karabakh representatives might come to the CE if they didn't
    want to meet in Azerbaijan or anywhere else. We are ready to directly
    contact with them under the aegis of the CE, to organize meetings among
    Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijani and Armenian representatives... so we
    could build some bridges.

    Is this your personal position or the position of your government?

    No, it is Azerbaijan's official position. We are interested
    in arranging meetings between Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians and
    Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijanis in any format - be it here or in the
    framework of the Minsk Group.

    And what about the authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    The Azerbaijanis of Nagorno-Karabakh must certainly meet with the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians.

    I mean the de facto authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh...

    I don't know what authorities they have.

    President Bako Sahakyan...

    Bako Sahakyan is a representative of the Armenian community of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. And representatives of that community must for
    sure meet with representatives of the Azerbaijani community. This is
    exactly what we advocate.

    You are making a sensational statement now, aren't you?


    I mean, Azerbaijan has always been against direct meetings with the
    de facto authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    This is not a sensational statement, this is Azerbaijan's position,
    and you can read it in Resolution 1416, in the paragraph about the
    need of meetings between the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of
    Nagorno-Karabakh... One of our key requirements is that they should not
    just meet but should work on a constant basis. I am always surprised
    to hear the Armenians say that we do not want to meet with them. On
    the contrary, we want to meet, while our Armenian friends don't.

    What do you think about the charges of European Stability Initiative
    that the Azerbaijani delegates to PACE bribe their European "friends"
    with caviar so as to gain their favor? The term "caviar diplomacy"
    has become widespread already...

    You mean our Bulgarian friend? Yes, you mean that caviar report, aren't
    you? It is not news, is it? There are thousands of such reports. You
    saw - didn't you? - what a lashing of Azerbaijan they organized all
    over Europe.

    Do you distribute caviar here or not?

    The biggest caviar producers here are Iran and Russia, we have almost
    no caviar left in Azerbaijan...
