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It's Good Baku Refuses

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  • It's Good Baku Refuses

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:47:31 - 27/06/2012

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan began his speech in the rally of the Armenian
    National Congress on June 26 with the Karabakh issue. He thinks that
    the presidents of the United States, Russia and France are indignant
    because Aliyev and Sargsyan did not take deciding steps and keep to
    radical positions.

    In fact, their patience is wearing thin, and they are likely to talk
    to the presidents in another language.

    Referring to experts, Ter-Petrosyan suggested that the other language
    might by the disbanding of the Minsk Group, work with the societies,
    otherwise a war. In any case, Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev now
    have smaller room for maneuvers.

    By the end of the year Armenia and Azerbaijan must complete the
    preparations for signing the Association Agreement with the EU. The
    German Ambassador Hans-Jochen Schmidt told that the preamble
    of the document has not been agreed yet. No wording for the definition
    of the Karabakh issue has been found that would be acceptable to both
    Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    A definition would be found if the situation of the Karabakh settlement
    changed. And it is not ruled out that Levon Ter-Petrosyan has learned
    about the intention to "correct" the configuration in Karabakh to
    sign the Association Agreement. Of course, this time Ter-Petrosyan
    did not accuse the Armenian government of selling Karabakh in return
    for legitimacy.

    It is beyond doubt that both Europe and Armenia are pushing for
    signing the Association Agreement. It is also obvious that there will
    be no success as long as the European Union will conduct negotiations
    with Armenia and Azerbaijan on a synchrony and parity basis because
    Azerbaijan will torpedo the process with new pre-conditions.

    The EU must end this artificial parity and establish separate agendas
    and schedules for Armenia and Azerbaijan and first of all identify
    priorities of its interaction with Yerevan and Baku. After all,
    nothing happened after Georgia's promotion of its relations with NATO
    ahead of Armenia and Azerbaijan and now each of these countries has
    its action plan.

    The Western leaders are genuinely indignant about the position of
    Azerbaijan. Ambassador Schmidt shared his surprise that no document was
    signed in Kazan though even the issue of referendum had been agreed. In
    addition, nobody except Armenia publicly criticized Azerbaijan for the
    failure of the talks. Again calls for parity were made to both sides.

    In fact, this is even good that Azerbaijan rejected the results of
    talks. At least because the ongoing talks do not match the vital
    interests of Armenia and presuppose unacceptable concessions.
