June 28, 2012 - 20:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The official Ankara was the one to benefit from the
incident with a downed Turkish plane, which could help weaken Syrian
leadership's position, according to a Turkish Studies expert.
As Levon Hovsepyan told a news conference, the incident may be
construed as a provocation on Turkish side.
"Even though the official Ankara hasn't declared a war against
Damascus, Turkey is still interfering with Syria affairs through
supporting anti-regime rebels," the expert said.
According to the expert, Syrian air defenses shot down the aircraft
in response to Turkey's multiple violations of Syria's airspace.
A Turkish jet was shot down by Syrian forces while flying solo and
unarmed 13 miles off the coast of Syria in international airspace
last week. However, Syria still maintains the aircraft was in Syrian
airspace when it shot down the plane.
June 28, 2012 - 20:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The official Ankara was the one to benefit from the
incident with a downed Turkish plane, which could help weaken Syrian
leadership's position, according to a Turkish Studies expert.
As Levon Hovsepyan told a news conference, the incident may be
construed as a provocation on Turkish side.
"Even though the official Ankara hasn't declared a war against
Damascus, Turkey is still interfering with Syria affairs through
supporting anti-regime rebels," the expert said.
According to the expert, Syrian air defenses shot down the aircraft
in response to Turkey's multiple violations of Syria's airspace.
A Turkish jet was shot down by Syrian forces while flying solo and
unarmed 13 miles off the coast of Syria in international airspace
last week. However, Syria still maintains the aircraft was in Syrian
airspace when it shot down the plane.