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New Doctrine of All-Armenian Movement

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  • New Doctrine of All-Armenian Movement

    New Doctrine of All-Armenian Movement

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 11:04:23 - 03/03/2012

    The rallies in Yerevan are a ritual where the absolute truth spread by
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan is dominant. Unfortunately, in the past two
    decades the Armenian voters have behaved as if no honest person has a
    wish or ability to run in any of the elections. Hence, the election
    campaigns are not objective and do not discuss specific political and
    economic issues.

    None of the subjects of the political scramble cares for and is aware
    of the foreign political and economic issues. The opposition makes
    endless remarks on the clans which disturb everything and always.
    Nobody takes this seriously because the opposition is a clan itself
    and behaves as a clan. It is a clan which gives birth to clones.

    Nevertheless, the opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan is absolutely
    loyal to his principles and the vision of political decisions. In the
    latest rally he announced that the economic problems of Armenia are
    the consequence of the Karabakh issue and the closed border with
    Turkey. Hence, if Karabakh is returned to Azerbaijan, and the Turkish
    border opens, the economic issues will be solved. This is already
    beyond the border of adequacy. In fact, the media and authors did not
    react. Either they do not take it seriously or they share this
    opinion. Either they do not take it seriously or they share this
    opinion. It is not accidental that the All-Armenian Movement and the
    ARF Dashnaktsutyun hold joint micro-rallies.

    Even economists supporting the opposition do not try to explain the
    economic problems by these factors. In addition, there are signs that
    the political leadership of Armenia is consistently pushing Levon's
    group to the parliament. Perhaps they think they can be the acceptable
    parliamentary opposition. We will see who will be `acceptable' and for
