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Bako Sahakyan: All-Armenian fund's contribution is invaluable

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  • Bako Sahakyan: All-Armenian fund's contribution is invaluable

    Bako Sahakyan: All-Armenian fund's contribution is invaluable

    12:32 - 03.03.12

    President of the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic Bako Sahakyan has
    congratulated his Armenian counterpart on the occasion of the 20th
    anniversary of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund.

    In his congratulatory address to President Serzh Sargsyan (who is the
    chairman of the Fund's Trusteeship Board), Sahakyan particularly
    praises the Fund's invaluable assistance in the efforts to build and
    develop the two Armenian republics by the joint efforts of Armenians
    from around the world.

    `Over the 20 years of its existence, the foundation has implemented a
    large number of road-construction, water supply, education and
    healthcare projects that were of key importance for our nation.

    I once again congratulate you and all the members of your trusteeship
    board, our benefactors and donors on this glorious anniversary,
    wishing you a great success and news achievements towards the
    accomplishment of this patriotic mission,' reads his congratulatory

    From: Baghdasarian