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Our Environment. Our Armenia

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  • Our Environment. Our Armenia

    Our Environment. Our Armenia

    Friday, March 2nd, 2012

    In the summer of 2010, I was at Datev Monastery volunteering with
    Armenian Tree Project (ATP) as a landscape architect. We were working
    on the planting design for the world's longest aerial tramway, `Wings
    of Datev.' I remember the excitement I felt at the chance to be able
    to contribute to the design of such a gargantuan project that was
    being eagerly implemented by people from all over the world. But many
    people had concerns as well; among other things, they complained that
    the project did not have a master plan, that it did not address the
    surrounding environment properly, that the developers would eventually
    build a resort on top of Devil's Bridge, that the tramway should have
    been located in a less visually intrusive area. People were passionate
    about this project, and their points were all valid; it was at this
    point that I asked myself how we as a people would address such
    concerns. This question has lingered in my mind ever since.

    ATP completed the project a few months later and I, a volunteer, had
    created a planting design that included over 3,000 trees. Needless to
    say, I was ecstatic that I had not only spent my time in Armenia
    living with our environment, people and culture, but also that I had
    contributed to its development. I got back to Los Angeles and wanted
    to share my experience with the Armenian community; I wanted everyone
    to know what I had accomplished by simply trying. I went to Armenia
    with no expectations and ended up planting 3,000 seeds of change with
    my own hands. And I was not alone. There were people educating
    children, empowering women, conserving the environment - working to
    preserve and better Armenia in every sector imaginable.

    I came back in the fall of 2010 and have spent the last year
    convincing anyone and everyone I meet to go to Armenia and volunteer.
    I have told them that Armenia needs them as much as they need Armenia.
    I have told them to visit, learn, teach, and answer for themselves all
    the questions they have about Armenia. In the summer of 2011, I
    returned to Armenia as a Youth Corps director. My goal was to show my
    group an Armenia beyond the nightlife and tourism of Yerevan; I wanted
    them to see that this was their home that they needed to care for
    throughout their lives.

    The group departed in August and I stayed behind to do my thesis
    research on the urban landscape of Yerevan; I examined how it had
    changed throughout the transition from a Soviet state to independence.
    I felt that after 20 years of independence, people were beginning to
    realize that they were capable of demanding the right to a more
    civilized way of life, in a city with parks that were cared for, with
    better housing choices, with more efficient transportation. They were
    beginning to speak up about conserving their environment and about
    using their natural resources to benefit the whole and not the
    irresponsible few.

    I came back to Los Angeles with a sense of hope in the future of
    Armenia; at this point, many my friends were on the same page, having
    experienced for themselves the change beginning to sprout in Armenia.
    We continued to work on our projects, each of us doing our part
    independently, motivated by our own beliefs. And in January, when the
    passion of activists in Armenia began to spread all over the world,
    and the unanswered question from two years ago rose once again to the
    front of my thoughts, a response began to clarify itself in my mind.
    We can address the concerns of our people collectively, just like the
    activists in Armenia are, along with anyone else that wants to commit
    to doing their part. We can start raising awareness about
    environmental injustice on every level, starting with mining issues in
    Teghut, and moving on to the building of private business structures
    at the cost of the remaining community parks in Yerevan. Together, we
    can address these concerns, and we can meet our collective goals by
    contributing our individual expertise to our common interest, the
    betterment of Armenia.

    Saving Teghut: Environmental Justice in Armenia is an education panel
    organized by the ARF `Shant' Student Association and several leading
    environmental organizations to inform people about issues that are a
    part of the struggle for a healthier Armenia. It will take place on
    March 11th at 6:00 PM at the Hollywood Armenian Center, 1611 N.
    Kenmore Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027.

    We hope to see you there.

    Vrej Haroutounian
    ARF `Shant' Student Association
