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BAKU: President says Armenians must approach NK conflict with realis

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  • BAKU: President says Armenians must approach NK conflict with realis

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    March 3 2012

    Azerbaijani President says Armenian leadership must approach
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the light of reality
    3 March 2012, 13:26 (GMT+04:00) Azerbaijan, Baku, March 3 / Trend /

    Azerbaijan does not see the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict outside the international law.

    "The Azerbaijani government and people will never give independence to
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The sooner Armenia realizes it, the better it is.
    Armenia should really abandon its position. Their position is to see
    the Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent country. But it is impossible.
    It is impossible without Azerbaijan's consent. We can never agree with
    this," President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in an interview with
    Turkish TRT TV channel.

    He said if Armenia abandons its position, then the parties will soon
    reach a solution to the issue.

    "Then, it will be possible for the Armenians to live in
    Nagorno-Karabakh, that is, to live in safety. However, now they live
    in fear. We know that. People cannot always live in fear. As they are
    also well-aware that today Azerbaijani army can easily restore the
    country's sovereignty in Nagorno-Karabakh. Easily! We just do not want
    to shed blood again, and we do not want to renew the war. We want to
    do it peacefully through negotiations. Who wants to renew the war? We
    cannot accept this. In general, this situation cannot last longer,"
    President Aliyev underscored.

    He said the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries' presidents and
    foreign ministers are well aware that the status quo cannot be
    preserved. "Azerbaijan strengthens every day, while Armenia is
    weakening and becoming poorer day by day. How can we afford our
    territories to remain under occupation? It is impossible. Azerbaijani
    population increases every day, every month and every year, while
    Armenian population decreases. That is, I reiterate, the Armenian
    leadership must approach this issue in the light of reality. It should
    at least make forecasts for five or ten years ahead to see how the
    balance of forces will be here in five or ten years?! The Azerbaijani
    government will never accept this state. Azerbaijani youth will not
    accept this state," President Aliyev said.

    He said there is misthought in Armenia that the generations will
    change, younger generation, who has never been to Karabakh and who
    will not want to return back to Karabakh, will grow up. "This is
    absolutely wrong approach. Perhaps, it is the Armenians' peculiarity,
    but Azerbaijani people have a historical memory. Any young person from
    Karabakh, who was born in Baku, lives in the tent city dreaming to
    return back to Karabakh. Karabakh will never be forgotten, never!
    Therefore, sooner or later, we will restore our territorial integrity.
    I have no doubt on it. I just want it to happen as soon as possible
    and, if possible, without bloodshed," President Aliyev underscored.

    He said the Azerbaijani refugees should return to their homelands.
    "With regard to the Armenians residing in Nagorno-Karabakh, they will
    live there as they lived before. We are not against it. It is
    wonderful experience accepted by the world. In any country, of course,
    except Armenia, various peoples live - in Turkey, Azerbaijan and in
    most countries. Armenia is a monostate, no one lives there except the
    Armenians, because he cannot live, as they do not allow any other
    nation to live there. Therefore, as a multinational state, Azerbaijan
    of course will create conditions that will help the Armenians living
    there, and they will enjoy all the rights as citizens of Azerbaijan in
    the future," the President said.

    From: Baghdasarian