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ANKARA: Deputy PM Says Turkey ensures rights of "non-Muslim religiou

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  • ANKARA: Deputy PM Says Turkey ensures rights of "non-Muslim religiou

    Anadolu Agency, Turkey
    March 2 2012

    Deputy PM Says Turkey ensures rights of "non-Muslim religious minorities"

    ANKARA (A.A) - March 2, 2012 - Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent
    Arinc said that the government was determined to solve the rest of the
    problems of religious minorities in Turkey.

    We believe, this can be fulfilled by mutual trust and cooperation,
    added Arinc who wrote an article to "Project Syndicate" web-site.

    "After decades of official neglect and mistrust, Turkey has taken
    several steps to ensure the rights of the country's non-Muslim
    religious minorities, and thus to guarantee that the rule of law is
    applied equally for all Turkish citizens, regardless of individuals'
    religion, ethnicity, or language," said Arinc.

    "Turkey's religious minorities include Greek Orthodox, Armenian,
    Assyrian, Kaldani, and other Christian denominations, as well as Jews,
    all of whom are integral parts of Turkish society. As part of the
    Turkish government's new initiative to end any sort of discrimination
    against these non-Muslim communities, President Abdullah Gul has
    emphasized that message by receiving Bartholemew, the Greek-Orthodox
    Patriarch of Istanbul, and by visiting a church and a synagogue in
    Hatay - a first by a Turkish president," he noted.

    Arinc said, "in August 2009, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met
    with leaders of religious minorities on Buyukada and listened to their
    problems and concerns, a clear signal of his government's intent to
    buttress their sense of civil inclusion. As Deputy Prime Minister, I
    met with representatives of religious minorities in March 2010, and
    visited the Armenian and Greek Orthodox Patriarchies in 2010 and 2011.
    Likewise, Turkey's EU Minister Egemen Bagis, has met with these
    communities' leaders on several occasions."

    "Beyond establishing warm relations between the Turkish government and
    the country's religious minorities, official policy has been changing
    as well. In May 2010, Prime Minister Erdogan issued an official
    statement that warned public servants and citizens against any
    discrimination against religious minorities, and that emphasized the
    absolute equality of Turkey's non-Muslim citizens," he noted.

    Arinc added, "but the groundwork for the initiative of recent years
    was laid long before. In August 2003, the Erdogan-led government
    introduced legal changes to resolve property-rights issues related to
    religious minority associations. For the first time in the Republic's
    history, 365 landholding and buildings belonging to the minority
    communities were legally registered under their name. In 2008, the
    government, despite fierce opposition from other political parties,
    changed the Law of Associations and allowed religious-minority
    associations to purchase real estate (and to receive contributions,
    regardless of size, from abroad)."

    "Then, in August 2011, an important amendment to the Associations law
    mandated the return of more than 350 properties to religious
    minorities. As part of these changes, the Greek-Orthodox Girls School
    in Beyoglu, Istanbul, and the Jewish Community Center in Izmir have
    been granted legal status, ending a century-old dispute," he said.

    "Even before that, in November 2010, the Greek-Orthodox Orphanage was
    returned to the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchy. In order to facilitate
    their religious duties, the Orthodox metropolitans were granted
    Turkish citizenship. Furthermore, the Associations Council, the
    country's highest authority on religious associations, now includes
    for the first time a non-Muslim member representing minority faiths,"
    said Arinc.

    He noted, "moreover, the Directorate-General of Associations has been
    charged with the task of renovating houses of worship used by
    religious minorities, including the historic Aya Nikola Church in
    Gokceada Canakkale, and the Assyrian Catholic Church and Greek
    Catholic Church in Iskenderun. A number of other churches and
    synagogues are also under renovation."

    "The authorities have taken many other historically and symbolically
    important steps as well. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has
    renovated the Sumela Monastery, a 1,600-year-old church in Trabzon on
    the Black Sea coast. The first mass in decades was held in August
    2010, led by Bartholomew and attended by hundreds of worshippers from
    Greece, Russia, Georgia, Europe, the United States, and Turkey," said
    Arinc, adding "another milestone was the renovation and opening of the
    1,100-year old Armenian Akdamar Church in March 2007. The first mass
    in 95 years was held in the church, led by the Armenian Archbishop
    Aram Atesyan and attended by thousands of worshippers."

    "These measures have been taken to address the long-standing problems
    of Turkey's non-Muslim religious minorities. Turkish Muslims have
    lived with Jewish and Christian communities for centuries and treated
    them with respect and compassion. We are determined to solve their
    remaining problems, and we believe that we can do so through mutual
    trust and cooperation. Turkey's Jews and Christians are full citizens
    with equal rights, and we will work to ensure that this reality is
    recognized in all areas of the country's life," said Arinc.
