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Rights group accuses Turkey of covering up its 'dirty war'

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  • Rights group accuses Turkey of covering up its 'dirty war'

    The National, UAE
    March 2 2012

    Rights group accuses Turkey of covering up its 'dirty war'

    by Thomas Seibert

    ISTANBUL // A Turkish human-rights group has accused authorities of
    trying to block an investigation into suspected extrajudicial killings
    by security forces in the Kurdish region of the countryÛ'

    Up to 10,000 civilians disappeared in the Kurdish region during the
    1990s, according to the Human Rights Association (IHD). The area saw
    the heaviest fighting between Turkish security forces and the
    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a separatist rebel group that launched
    a guerrilla war against Ankara in 1984Û'

    Observers said bringing serving or former policemen, soldiers or
    intelligence agents to justice for killing Kurdish civilians would be
    an important step to overcome mistrust between Turkey's estimated 12
    million Kurds and the Turkish state and to solve the long-running
    Kurdish conflictÛ'

    "If the Turkish state really wanted to, exact locations of mass graves
    [of victims} and documents relating to the [killings in the 1990s]
    would have been published by now," Raci Bilici, chairman of the
    chapter of the IHD in the Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, said. "But the
    state does not want to."

    He was speaking after a state forensic institute ruled that human
    remains found on the grounds of a former interrogation centre run by a
    notorious intelligence unit in Diyarbakir, were not victims of
    unlawful killings in the Kurdish conflict. Mr Bilici said he did not
    believe the institute's report was accurate and called for an
    independent inquiryÛ'

    Several state prosecutors in the Kurdish region have been
    investigating cases of alleged killings by members of the security
    forces in a dirty war against suspected PKK sympathisers, but there
    have been no conviction so farÛ'

    In some cases, the bodies of the missing were found later, but the
    remains of many people have never been recovered. Jitem, a now-defunct
    special forces and intelligence unit of the paramilitary gendarmerie,
    is suspected of having been involved in many of the killingsÛ'

    "It is important for the Kurdish conflict and for the general issue of
    questioning authoritarianism," Beril Dedeoglu, a political scientist
    at Istanbul's Galatasaray University, said about the excavation of
    suspected mass graves and the investigations. The government needed
    the political will to clear up the crimes and bring state officials to
    justice if necessary, and investigations should be conducted with
    transparency, Prof Dedeoglu said this week. "It is very important."

    Testimony of witnesses and former soldiers point to an involvement of
    government forces in the killings. Last week, a witness in a trial
    against 16 former Jitem members told the court that officers of the
    unit killed Musa Anter, a well-known Kurdish writer, in 1992. A former
    Turkish admiral, Atilla Kiyat, has told the court in another case
    involving a military officer accused of atrocities the killings of
    Kurdish activists had been a "state policy". The retired admiral
    testified in February 2011 as a witness in the trial against Colonel
    Cemal Temizoz, who is accused of involvement in the death of 52
    Kurdish civilians between 1992 and 1995Û'

    According to the IHD, victims of suspected extrajudicial killings have
    been buried in 253 different places in Turkey, but only 29 of the
    graves have been opened so far. Last week, prosecutors in Mardin
    province, also in the Kurdish area, oversaw the excavation of a skull,
    bones and clothes at one grave. The prosecutors have been
    investigating the deaths of six people who were called in for
    questioning by the security forces in 1995 and were never seen againÛ'

    In what was initially seen as a boost for efforts to clear up the
    crimes, workers digging a ditch for a natural gas pipe in January
    found human skulls in Ickale, a part of Diyarbakir's old town used as
    a Jitem interrogation centre in the 1990s. The site was cordoned off
    by state prosecutors and excavations were expanded. A total 34 skulls
    have been located so farÛ'

    But this week, a report by a state forensic institute said skulls and
    other bones found in Diyarbakir could not be the remains of victims of
    unlawful Jitem killings because they were at least a hundred years
    old. Mr Bilici said he did not trust the report of the Forensic
    Institute in Istanbul because the institution had taken the side of
    the authorities in other cases involving suspected human-rights abuses
    by security forces. "Our trust has been poisoned," he saidÛ'

    Mr Bilici said the investigation should have been conducted according
    to the so-called Minnesota Protocol, an agreement that Turkey has
    signed and that states "a special commission of inquiry" should be
    established in cases where the involvement of government forces in
    crimes is suspectedÛ'

    In the case of the suspected mass graves of Jitem victims in
    Diyarbakir, state prosecutors decided to keep the investigation
    strictly confidential, without the participation of non-governmental
    organisations or independent experts, he saidÛ'

    "Independent inquiries are needed to face the past," Mr Bilici said.
    He said the IHD would continue to campaign for the opening of mass
    graves in the Kurdish region despite the apparent setback in

    The state prosecution in the city said in a statement quoted by
    Turkish media yesterday that genetic tests on some samples were
    continuing. The prosecution did not say whether the investigation
    would continue, and it is unclear whose remains were found in IckaleÛ'

    Prof Dedeoglu, the political scientist in Istanbul, said the skulls
    could belong to Armenians killed during massacres in the First World
    War. "They were looking for Kurds, but they found Armenians," she

    From: Baghdasarian