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Israel Couldn't Take Out Iran's Nuclear Program Even if It Wanted To

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  • Israel Couldn't Take Out Iran's Nuclear Program Even if It Wanted To

    Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson on the Middle East, Proliferation, and Why
    Israel Couldn't Take Out Iran's Nuclear Program Even if It Wanted To

    By Nancy Shoenberger

    March 03, 2012 "Vanity Fair" -- On a sunny afternoon in late
    February, Vanity Fair met with Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former
    chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell (2002-5), who is
    currently an adjunct professor of government and public policy at the
    College of William & Mary. Fresh from a meeting with legislators in
    Washington, D.C., Colonel Wilkerson arrived at the Blue Talon, a
    stylish brasserie located curiously in the heart of Colonial
    Williamsburg, to talk about Iran's nuclear capabilities and their
    Vanity Fair: How close is Iran to having a nuclear weapon, and what
    should our response be?

    Lawrence Wilkerson: I've spent almost two full days now on the Hill,
    essentially talking to Democrats and Republicans, senators and
    representatives and their staffs, about the catastrophe that would
    result if we use military force against Iran.

    What I understand from talking with the intel community and with
    people in the White House is that our position - and I agree with this
    position - is that Iran has not made a decision to weaponize. Iran may
    be looking for a Japanese-type, latent capability. The inclination, I
    think, of the current government is not to make that decision. What
    I'm very concerned about is that our diplomacy, such as it is - mostly
    sanctions - is forcing them into a decision that we don't want them to
    make, which is to weaponize.

    Confronted with Israel, which is already possessed of nuclear weapons,
    and Pakistan, already possessed of nuclear weapons, I think Iran does
    want the latent capabilities.

    But that's not the same thing as saying we want to weaponize now?

    In that space, there's room for diplomacy.

    So the irony is that if we rattle the sabers too much, we'll force
    them to do exactly what we don't want them to do.

    Precisely. And that's what some neo-conservatives and their allies
    want to happen. They want regime change.

    That was one of the arguments for the Iraq war - out of the chaos a new
    nation will be built.

    Look what's happening right now in different countries. Egypt is
    looking grim, and Libya is looking grimmer. In fact, this morning I
    got a report from Iraq that's pretty grim. Look what we have happening
    in Iraq right now. We have [Iraq's religious leader] al-Sadr arming
    one side of the Syrian problem, and we have [Iraq's prime minister]
    al-Malaki arming another part of the Syrian problem. And people think
    this can't jump borders and become a regional and perhaps even a
    global confrontation? It certainly can.

    Israel makes the argument that if they delay a military strike, all of
    Iran's nuclear facilities will be bunkered down so deep they'll be

    The truth is - and my Air Force colleagues have given me some of
    this - the Israelis could not take out Iran's facilities now. The
    Israelis could not mount, without going to desperate ends, a 100-plane
    strike, which is going to be necessary. They can barely get a hundred
    airplanes out of their fleet. If they go to the end of their
    operational tether without refueling help from us, I predict that it
    will be as big a failure or worse than their incursion into Lebanon in
    July 2006. And I say that for two reasons: 1) they will fail
    militarily, and 2) regardless of their exquisite public-affairs
    campaign to portray it otherwise, the world will know they failed. So,
    this is a disaster for Israel if it goes ahead and executes.

    Wouldn't there be intense rallying for our support, especially now
    during an election year?

    Yes. That makes President Obama's situation dicey because - and I think
    that's probably what Prime Minister Netanyahu is thinking about - this
    period of vulnerability, if you will, is political - it isn't military.
    And if President Obama is re-elected, then Netanyahu's got problems,
    because I think he'd be attacking Iran in utter defiance of the United

    What if Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney were elected president?

    If we've got Santorum, or even what appears to be a pliable Mitt
    Romney, who has neo-conservatives in his advisory group, then it's a
    whole new game for Israel, which is one reason why I will admit,
    though I'm disappointed in President Obama, I'm probably going to vote
    for him again. And I'm a Republican.

    Let's say Iran feels so threatened in the region they go ahead with
    plans to weaponize. How is that going to affect the balance of power
    in the Middle East?

    I think what we'd see happen if Iran actually weaponized and
    tested - you've got to test, so everybody knows - then Saudi Arabia would
    buy a nuclear weapon from Pakistan, and it would end right there. We
    would have deterrence. We'd have a stalemate. We'd have the Saudis
    with the capability, we'd have Iran with the capability, we'd have
    Pakistan with the capability, and of course India and others, and it
    would stop right there. I hate to see proliferation - I'd rather see it
    going the other way - but deterrence would work. These are rational

    What do you think would happen if Israel does launch a strike? Would
    it ignite an all-out war in the region? Encourage more terrorist
    attacks? Close the Strait of Hormuz? Cause oil prices to soar?

    All of the above. Close the Strait of Hormuz? I don't think the
    Iranians would even try. If they did, we could reopen the Strait of
    Hormuz rather easily. I don't see that as a big problem; what I see as
    a big problem is that the threat would cause the market to become
    extremely volatile, because no one would want to risk it. . . . This
    is the kind of conflict that will make insurance rates go up, people
    will not want to take the risks, and so forth. And the price of oil
    will go up.

    And I guarantee there will be countries in the world - and companies - who
    will just salivate at that prospect and will want to make it go on.
    Exxon Mobil. Or Royal Dutch-Shell, or Saudi Arabia. Or, for that
    matter, al-Malaki in Iraq, who now knows he's sitting on as much oil
    as Saudi Arabia's sitting on. His plans are to be at 13 million
    barrels a day, which rivals Saudi production.

    But your point about the volatility of oil? I recently participated in
    Beijing in what was called a `petroleum disruption exercise.' We
    posited a terrorist attack against Saudi production, for example. We
    had shippers and insurers participating in the exercise - Lloyds of
    London and so forth - and the price of oil went out of sight. Four
    hundred dollars a barrel. Shippers wouldn't ship, and insurers
    wouldn't insure. So these are possibilities. And talk about disrupting
    an already fragile economy in Europe - and a fragile economy here, for
    that matter.

    We are looking at the possibility of taking the turmoil in Syria - the
    so-called Arab Spring, which I like to call the Arab Awakening - and
    igniting that in a way that is very detrimental to the world's
    interest. And certainly regional interests. We're looking at the
    possibility of sucking everything into a conflagration; that is
    essentially what our attacking Iran ignites. It's a distinct

    And incidentally, some of my neo-conservative colleagues - I use that
    term loosely - want that. They think that out of the cauldron of turmoil
    and fire and blood - and they even quote Jefferson in this regard - will
    grow these incredibly solid and prosperous and tolerant Jeffersonian
    democracies. Which is preposterous.

    Who in the administration or in the Department of Defense is pressing
    for a military strike?

    Inside the Pentagon, civilian and military, I cannot find a single
    voice in favor of striking Iran.

    What happens next?

    Here's another tidbit for you. I was in Havana when Ahmadinejad was
    there. I can't reveal my sources, but not only did the Cuban
    government give him a third- or fourth-level award - which really made
    him angry because it wasn't the top or even the second-level
    award - they also delivered him a message from Fidel Castro: get off
    this nuclear kick. Fidel is very anti-nuclear, as you might imagine,
    given his experience with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think he,
    Kennedy, and Khrushchev all realized that they took the world to the
    brink of extinction. Here's our archenemy in Cuba advising our
    archenemy in Iran that they're on the wrong track.

    Mind you, if we attack Iran, the Chinese will be ecstatic. Not only
    will we be mired in yet another interminable war, but from this one we
    might not recover for half a century.

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