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The Guban Crisis in Azerbaijan

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  • The Guban Crisis in Azerbaijan mid=48

    The Guban Crisis in Azerbaijan
    By Elmar Chakhtakhtinski
    March 3, 2012

    The events of March 1 in northern Azerbaijani town of Guba seem to
    have caught everyone by surprise. The protests were sparked by a
    YouTube video showing the provincial governor issuing insulting
    remarks about the locals during a public meeting
    But the rather unexpectedly strong reaction apparently reflects a deep
    simmering popular discontent with the ruling Aliyev regime. It also
    reveals the disastrous results of government policy towards the
    country's regions. Finally, it has serious implications both for
    Azerbaijan and the international community's approach to that country.

    Azerbaijan's regions (`rayons') are run very much like feudal fiefdoms
    by the local administrative governors (called `head of executive
    power') - unelected officials appointed directly by president Ilham
    Aliyev, who can also remove them at his will. Thus, these individuals
    serve and show personal loyalty only to the ruling regime, with no
    accountability to local people whom they govern. Unquestioned
    obedience, huge portraits and statues of the president and his late
    father, the regime's founder Heydar Aliyev, at every major highway and
    city center, opening and ending all public speeches with prayer-like
    standard praises towards the ruling family - are the hallmarks of this
    system. In return, the governors get to single-handedly rule the
    regions, plunder the riches, collect bribes from the population,
    appropriate public funds and assets, as long as they share the loot
    with the heads of the regime in Baku.

    Some of the powerful minister-oligarchs, themselves under Iham
    Aliyev's tight control, are assigned to a `patronage' over certain
    regions, with the president appointing their close associates to the
    governorship. This mafia-like setup is further strengthened by the
    fact that almost all of the regions are ruled by individuals from
    other parts of the country, to estrange them from local population and
    keep their allegiances exclusive to the regime. One notable exception
    is the remote Nakhchivan region, but there the local native despot
    Vasif Talibov has already passed the Aliyev `loyalty test' by
    implementing policies so repressive, brutal and bizarre that
    Nakhchivan has been dubbed `Azerbaijan's North Korea' by international
    observers [].

    The object of protesters' fury, Guba governor Rauf Habibov, is a close
    associate of the minister of transportation Ziya Mammadov, who was
    named in Wikileaks reports as one of the most powerful corrupt
    oligarchs and the head of the third richest family clan in Azerbaijan.
    His family's name was also made known by the media reports about the
    adventures of his son Anar Mammadov, cited for paying one million
    dollars to grill and eat a bear from a zoo in one of the local
    restaurants and for being kicked out of Dubai for debauchery. As a
    side note, in a bizarre twist, lately Anar Mammadov has become
    involved with lobbying activities in the US and heads a
    Washington-based NGO Azerbaijani-American Alliance
    [ mid=53].

    While Habibov's houses in Guba have been torched by protesters, Ziya
    Mammadov still owns large properties in that region. Perhaps
    attempting to avoid a further escalation of anger from the locals and
    the ensuing threat to his own holdings, he was seen on a YouTube video
    personally apologizing for any insults that his protégé Habibov might
    have uttered.

    However, neither Habibov's own apologies nor the ones offered by
    Mammadov satisfied the residents of Guba. Not only protesters in this
    provincial town came out in thousands, in numbers greater than any
    public protest held since 2005 even in capital Baku where over three
    million people live, but they also stood up to the attacks by security
    forces against peaceful demonstrators, with some groups within the
    crowds responding to police violence by burning down houses belonging
    to Habibov and forcing him to flee and resign from office.

    Some videos posted online show the furious residents destroying
    household items and setting the buildings on fire
    []. Nobody
    is seen attempting to rob the place - only an angry act of destruction
    inflicted to the possessions of the regime's regional head. The scale
    and depth of resentment seem to go way beyond a mere reaction to the
    insulting remarks, but rather present a boiling point for the people
    long fed up with the current state of affairs.

    As a confirmation that the regime comprehends and tries to hide the
    broader causes for Guba protests, another YouTube video clearly shows
    that persons inside the police forces have been holding portraits of
    the president Aliyev, while no such pictures can be seen among the
    crowds of local protesters. This might indicate a desperate (and
    poorly implemented) attempt by the authorities to display the events
    in Guba as a limited discontent with a `bad local vassal', while
    people are still `admiring the benevolent leader' of the regime.

    Guba events dispel the claims about the perpetual stability and
    content of Azerbaijani population with the current political system -
    the line that the regime, its apologists and some analysts have long
    propagated. Regardless of what happens next in Guba, Ilham Aliyev's
    angry assurance that `you will not see it [Egypt events repeating in
    Azerbaijan] regardless of your desires' in response to a question
    posed to him at the World Security Conference in Munich in February,
    might now seem further from being guaranteed.

    These developments demand proper attention from the international
    community, particularly from the Western powers. As Arab spring
    showed, even seemingly the most stable regimes can quickly crumble,
    causing considerable bloodshed and uncertainty for the regional and
    global stability. The calls for restraint, threats of diplomatic
    repercussions, followed by sanctions and isolation seemed to have been
    coming one step too late to be able to stop further escalation. In
    Egypt this led to hundreds of deaths, in Libya - to a full scale civil
    war with foreign military intervention, and in Syria, with thousands
    killed and demonstrations turned into an armed conflict, the world
    powers are debating how to respond.

    Therefore, in case of Azerbaijan, to make sure that words and
    diplomacy reach any desired preventative effects, perhaps it would be
    wise for the US and the European governments to come out early on with
    very strong statements and appropriate pressure on Azerbaijani
    government indicating zero-tolerance for any violence against the
    protesters in Guba or elsewhere in the country.

    * Elmar Chakhtakhtinski is the chairman of the Azerbaijani Americans
    for Democracy
