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Freedom Of Speech And Genocide

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  • Freedom Of Speech And Genocide

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:30:38 - 05/03/2012

    Interview with Ara Ghazaryan, deputy director of the "Arni Consult" law
    office on the law penalizing the denial of the Armenian genocide which
    was announced anti-constitutional by the French Constitutional Council

    Mr. Ghazaryan, is the law adopted by the French Senate

    The decision of the Constitutional Council of France contradicts
    the Case Law of the European Court on Human Rights which was formed
    based on the decisions adopted against France on cases related to
    the Holocaust. We can remember the Garaudy case who was sentenced by
    Franc for the rejection of the crime against humanity and his appeal
    to the European Court was rejected. The European Court referring to
    the Case Law, which was also formed based on cases against France,
    ruled that the protection of the right to freedom of speech can't
    refer to those, who deny evident facts, such as the Holocaust, since,
    this way they reject fundamental values on which the Convention is
    based. The Convention's Article 10 supposes for the protection of
    freedom of speech, while Article 17 forbids using the Convention
    articles for the propaganda of ideas which contradict its spirit and
    values. If a person denies the genocide, they can be protected by
    the Article 10 of the Convention. In this case, the Constitutional
    Council should have either proven that the Armenian genocide is not
    a historical fact, which is impossible, since France recognized the
    genocide, or it should have rejected the Case Law of the European
    Court and rule against the Convention.

    Could the president and the government of France not suppose such
    course of events?

    The decision of the Constitutional Council of France enables
    theoretically sentenced people to appeal to the court again. Besides,
    it is necessary then to cancel all the court decisions relating to the
    Holocaust denial. The Constitutional Court either doesn't recognize
    the Armenian genocide, or it decided to review the approach to all
    the cases on genocides.

    If this question is in the political field, then the jurisprudence is
    of help, and if it is in the legal field, the politics hinders it. We
    have the second version. Nothing hindered the Constitutional Council
    to follow the Case Law. Actually, the Court considered the primacy of
    the right to freedom of speech, ignoring Article 17 of the Convention.

    Is this the result of the Turkish lobby? How did it achieve these
    results under the arguments of the Armenian party?

    The Turkish lobby achieved successes in the political field. New basis
    for the genocide denial have been formed since June 2011. I mean the
    General commentary N34 of the UN Human Rights Committee. The Point
    49 runs that the laws penalizing the denial of historical facts are
    incompatible with the International Agreement on civil and political

    The Turkish lobby and the French Constitutional Court got used of
    this new tendency. Nevertheless, the Case Law in the face of the
    Convention is still in force. In this sense, France appeared between
    two systems of the UN and Europe which treat the issue on the genocide
    denial differently. It is evident that formerly sentenced people for
    genocide denials will issue claims to France.

    In 1998, the European Court ruled for the first time that a person
    rejecting the genocide couldn't enjoy the right to freedom of speech.

    In 2003, the European Court reconfirmed its position. In 2012, by
    its decision, the Constitutional Council actually issued support to
    the position of the UN and disagreement with the interpretation of
    the human rights in the Convention.

    These two positions of France will keep clashing: they will either
    have to provide people with the right to deny genocides, such as
    the one of Rwanda, or people should be deprived of this right and be
    punished. What is more important for the democratic society? The UN
    committee says the freedom of speech is more important, the European
    system thinks values are more important. Either the UN or the European
    Court should change their position.
