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War-Mongering Azerbaijan Pursues Falsification Of Artsakh History

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  • War-Mongering Azerbaijan Pursues Falsification Of Artsakh History

    By Appo Jabarian

    USA Armenian Life Magazine
    March 2, 2012

    In today's world hardly a day passes when Turkey and Azerbaijan do
    not unleash new waves of anti-Armenian warmongering and ethnic hatred.

    In recent years, worldwide Armenian activism has been gaining
    international traction on vital Armenian issues. Obviously that has
    visibly troubled Turkish and Azerbaijani officials so much so that
    they have resorted to outright extremism and falsification.

    Just a few days ago, a series of anti-Armenian demonstrations were
    orchestrated and openly sponsored by the governments of Ankara and
    Baku. One such demonstration took place in Istanbul's Taksim Square
    where anti-Armenian slogans and posters were omnipresent. A poster
    boasted: "Today Taksim, tomorrow Yerevan: We can suddenly come for
    you one night!"

    These expressions of ethnic hatred by extremist Turks are designed
    to terrorize, wreck havoc and ultimately intimidate Armenia and
    Armenians into capitulation on Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh) issue;
    on current borders between Turkey and Armenia and on demands for
    justice regarding the Armenian Genocide.

    On numerous occasions Azerbaijani officials have been caught red-handed
    in actively backing state-sponsored falsification of history pertaining
    the Armenian republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh) which was liberated
    by Armenians from the Azeri yoke during the war from February 1988
    to May 1994.

    During the war, many hotbeds of Azeri aggression and illegal
    bombardment of Armenian civilian population centers have been
    neutralized. The Armenian Army has ensured safe passage for the exiting
    Azeri civilians through humanitarian corridors leading them out of
    Khojaly, Shushi, and other parts of Artsakh (Karabagh). This Armenian
    humanitarian gesture has come in spite of Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian
    massacres of civilians a few months before the fall of Khojaly,
    and Shushi.

    Instead of applauding the spirit of humanitarianism exhibited by
    Armenian soldiers, Baku has opted to act like a "sore loser." In an
    act of despair, it resorted to misleading the international public
    opinion claiming that "not" Baku, but Yerevan had "committed crimes
    against humanity."

    Just before I completed writing this article, I searched on Google with
    the key words "Khojaly" and "Xocali." To my surprise I stumbled upon
    a very interesting website -- featuring several photos of
    victims of human atrocities. I began browsing the photos and reading
    their captions:

    - One grizzly scene is depicted in "Photo No. 1" titled "Mother
    mourning over her children's death...," that carried the following
    eye-opening caption: "The campaign 'Justice for Khojaly' continually
    gains in scope. However, as it turned out, the wide scope is
    inversely proportional to the availability of factual material. Here
    is a multilingual blog illustrating 'the brutality of Armenians,'
    the sufferings of a mother, dead children, etc. However, a validity
    check showed that the illustrated events took place in 1983, during
    the destructive earthquake in Turkey. This photograph is separated
    from Khojaly by 9 years, a couple of thousands of kilometers and by
    the ethnic identity of the dead, as in the photo Kurds are depicted."

    (Click this link:

    - Another heart-rending scene is illustrated by "Photo No. 2" titled
    "Lachin is 'Buchenwald' for Azerbaijani children," that carried
    the following revealing caption: " is the
    megaphone of Azerbaijani propaganda. The weepy article about the
    wretched children languished in the Lachin 'Buchenwald' is spiced
    with a photo-fact illustrating the 'miserable Azerbaijani children' ...

    However, by the validity check it turned out that they are Afghan
    refugees." (Click this link:

    - An inhumane scene was illustrated by "Photo No. 3" titled "Dead
    bodies in the morgue," that carried the following shocking caption:
    "A terrific photograph.... However, it has nothing to do with the
    'Khojaly genocide committed by Armenians' as it is an illustration of
    the events of 1978, when the worst in a series of pogroms of Alevis
    (Turkish Shiites, who generally supported the political left),
    organized by the 'Grey Wolves,' left 111 people dead. (Click this
    link:'s Xenophobia Prevention Initiation investigation team
    went on to feature many more photos along with the results of its
    investigation. In conclusion, the investigators wrote: "Thomas de
    Vaal in his book 'The Black Garden' mentions the fact that Chingiz
    Mustafaev, whose video sequences are spread around and are the basis
    of the 'video-proofs', photographed the scene of the events twice:
    at the night of 25-26 and on the 27th of February, 1992. And he was
    deeply surprised to find out that on the second day the dead bodies
    turned out to be disfigured. Incidentally, Mustafaev undertook his own
    investigation and was killed under circumstances uncertain until now.

    In the forum Atc.Az, Eynulla Fatullaev, (screenshot), at present
    serving her sentence in prison for giving such interpretation of
    the events near Aghdam-city which was somewhat different from the
    official one, and quite definitely stated that the dead bodies had
    been disfigured by the Azerbaijanis themselves."

    Besides the above-stated objectives, why is Azerbaijan recklessly
    pursuing falsification of Artsakh history as a state policy? Because
    official Yerevan has left these ridiculous misrepresentations

    But luckily for Armenia and Armenians, organizations such Armenian
    National Committee of America (ANCA), Unified Young Armenians (UYA) and
    Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) along with an army of activists have
    condemned the Azeri falsifications, warmongering and ethnic hatred.

    "Today's anti-Armenian demonstrations in the streets of Istanbul--
    with the interior minister and prominent political parties at the
    helm--were clearly aimed at inciting increased racism and renewed
    violence against Turkey's own Armenian citizens and neighboring Armenia
    ... These are not simply the violent echoes of a post-genocidal state,
    but the determined actions of a pre-genocidal Turkish society that
    is angrily lashing out at its imagined enemies and seeking out its
    next target.

    We urge U.S. Ambassador Ricciardone to immediately, forcefully and
    publicly condemn this government-sanctioned incitement to violence,"
    stated ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian a few days ago in
    Washington, DC.

    During Monday's protest rally in front of the Consulate General of
    Azerbaijan in Los Angeles, strongly criticizing Azerbaijan's misuse of
    revenues from the sales of its petroleum products, Aroutin Hartounian
    said on behalf of Unified Young Armenians: "US Foreign policy is
    not for sale. We are gathered hear to remind Azerbaijan that while
    its petrodollars can buy lobbyists and mercenaries, they cannot
    change hearts and minds of America. It cannot put a veil on American
    values of democracy, freedom, and tolerance. Our stance is clear -
    1) Just as US won its independence from England, Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic won its freedom from the Azeri yoke fair and square; 2) The
    Armenian-American community stands with security of Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic and Republic of Armenia. Therefore, we stand ready to defend
    Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh against any foreign aggressor including
    Azerbaijan and Turkey." (Click to see a TV coverage in Armenian:

    In late 1980's, the initial stages of Soviet implosion and the ensuing
    chaos, served as a "perfect" cover for the Azeri authorities to carry
    out their heinous plans of anti-Armenian ethnic cleansing not just in
    Azerbaijan proper -- Kirovabad, Sumgait and Baku, but also within then
    Azeri-occupied Autonomous Region of Nagorno Karabagh (Artsakh). Why?

    Because Armenians had began demanding freedom in Artsakh (Karabagh).

    Sounds familiar? In 1915-1923 another large-scale chaos -- First World
    War served as another "perfect" cover for Turkey to carry out the 20th
    century's first genocide against the indigenous Armenian population
    of both Western Armenia and Cilicia. Why? Because Armenians had began
    demanding freedom from Turkish yoke.

    And now Turkey and Azerbaijan have joined forces to "market" Khojaly
    as a so-called "genocide." Are Ankara and Baku intent on imposing a
    new war on Armenia? The drumbeats of war are coming loud and clear!

    Obviously, the impending war in the Caucasus region is preceded by
    a nasty information war mounted by Azerbaijan against Armenia.

    During the first imposed Artsakh war the Pan-Turkic "engineers"
    of Azeri aggression against Armenia had "special" designs on Armenia.

    They had intended to completely wipe out Armenia in order to pave the
    way for the establishment of a new Pan-Turkic empire that would stretch
    from Turkey, passing through Armenia, connecting with "brotherly"
    Azerbaijan, all the way to the steppes of Central Asia, effectively
    cutting Russia off from the Caucasus and Middle East regions.

    However, the war plans backfired. Armenians went on to liberate the
    highlands and the lowlands of Artsakh reversing the Stalinization of
    Armenian territories.

    Armenia should not clamor for war. But if a war similar to the Artsakh
    War is imposed upon her, Armenia should swiftly exploit it to liberate
    additional lands.

    From: A. Papazian