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"Threat" Or "Political Threat"?: Timing Of ARF Member Arrest Questio

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  • "Threat" Or "Political Threat"?: Timing Of ARF Member Arrest Questio

    By Gayane Abrahamyan

    02.03.12 | 13:40


    A cache of illegal ammunition and weaponry belonging to Armenian
    Revolutionary Party member Arshavir Karapetyan, and discovered
    by police on Thursday in Yerevan, has stirred suspicions of a new
    political "witch hunt".

    The arsenal adjoining to a boiler structure at Moldovyan 12 was found
    by law enforcement under Chief of Police Vova Gasparyan's leadership.

    Among the discovered weaponry were more than 12 machine guns, sniper
    rifles, three anti-tank missiles, thousands of bullets, a great number
    of TNT explosives enough to blow up several buildings, expert say, etc.

    Karapetyan, a Karabakh war veteran, is in custody, and a criminal case
    has been filed against him that could carry a three-year sentence if
    found guilty.

    Ashot Karapetyan, heading the criminal investigation department of
    RA Police, says the ammunition is "of unprecedented amount enough to
    arm a whole battalion and the purposes still have to be determined".

    The discussions and speculations among the political circles,
    however, are more about the timing of the discovery - why has it
    been discovered and the information disclosed now, rather than the
    purposes of the arsenal.

    The ARF's recently active opposition, boycotts at the parliament and
    rallies, and finally, ARF Bureau member Hrant Margaryan's statement
    claiming that they would ensure fair elections by enrolling thousands
    of volunteers have coincided with the efforts of the police.

    As a result of similar diligence late last year "large amounts
    of drugs" were discovered in possession of a number of Prosperous
    Armenia Party members, four of them were taken under arrest, which
    was qualified then as a "witch hunt" by PAP faction member, MP Naira

    PAP members said that the "inquisitional processes" stopped when party
    leader Gagik Tsarukyan agreed to the conditions of holding elections
    "by rules of civilized competition" suggested by the coalition and
    gave up his claims of putting forward single-mandate candidates at
    41 election districts.

    ARF is refraining from making any comments yet, confirming only that
    Arshavir Karapetyan is indeed their party member.

    Spartak Seyranyan in charge of ARF press service doubts Karapetyan
    has anything to do with the weapons.

    "Arshavir Karapetyan is an ARF member. He's fought in a war. What can
    I say, he has nothing to do with the arsenal, but in any case let the
    preliminary investigation show. I don't want to express opinions. My
    assumption is that he is not related," Seyranyan told

    Former Chief-of-Police Suren Abrahamyan welcomes the police's efforts
    and the work done due to which it's been possible to "neutralize an
    illegal arsenal with such huge amounts of highly dangerous weaponry",
    at the same time wonders why it's been discovered now of all times.

    "It's perhaps too early to make far-reaching assumptions, but
    experience shows that possible steps to silence will be taken,"
    Abrahamyan told ArmeniaNow not ruling out that this might be one
    such step.

    From: Baghdasarian