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ISTANBUL: The Meaning Of Davutoglu's Visit With Patriarchs

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  • ISTANBUL: The Meaning Of Davutoglu's Visit With Patriarchs


    Today's Zaman
    March 6 2012

    Last week, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu visited with the Greek and
    Armenian Patriarchs, as well as held meetings with the representatives
    of other minority groups.

    For any country, a visit from a minister with members of religious
    minorities may be worth reporting, but these visits had implications
    that go well beyond newsworthiness.

    We used to see photographs of American presidents and vice presidents
    sitting side by side with the Ecumenical Patriarch, but we have never
    seen a minister visit a Patriarch before. Therefore, a photograph of
    Davutoğlu sitting in the Greek Patriarchate meant a lot for Turkey. As
    far as I know, there has never before been a similar meeting during
    the entire history of the Turkish Republic.

    In Turkish political tradition, the Ecumenical Patriarch's position
    is no different from that of a local imam who only deals with a
    small local group of Muslims. And this was explained by a reference
    to the local authority the patriarchates attach to. It has always
    been said that the Patriarchate was attached to the "kaymakamlık,"
    (the district governor) of Eyup, where the Ecumenical Patriarchate
    is located. From even only this perspective, you can appreciate the
    meaning of Davutoğlu's visit. This visit is a clear message showing
    that the Turkish state has stopped considering the patriarchate as at a
    "lower status."

    After this meeting, Davutoğlu also held a press conference together
    with Bartholomew. Davutoğlu's remarks were interesting:

    "The Patriarchate is one of our oldest religious institutions, with
    a very strong tradition of its own. It is a basic principle of ours
    that Turkey possess religious freedom and that all of our religious
    communities have shared cultural lives in an atmosphere of peace. I
    had been thinking about such a visit for a long time now. Today,
    I finally had the chance. At the same time, it is both a great honor
    and pleasure for me to have the opportunity to engage in consultations
    regarding problems experienced by the Orthodox community in Turkey. It
    has been a great honor to be together and to simply breathe the air
    of this historic atmosphere."

    Bartholomew also spoke to the press:

    "It is a source of great joy that all of the religious groups and
    communities are able to live in our country in serenity. There are
    great changes at hand in our region, and in the countries surrounding
    us. We have had the chance to touch on subjects that concern our
    community. In addition to this, we shared our thoughts with one
    another on the topic of building permanent peace in our region and
    throughout the world. We are once more indebted to him [Davutoğlu]."

    After visiting the Ecumenical Patriarch, Davutoğlu also visited the
    Armenian Patriarch, with whom he talked to the press for a second
    time. In this press conference, Davutoğlu explained that he had
    suggested a member of the Armenian community be appointed one of
    Turkey's ambassadors:

    "For many centuries, these lands were a center of peace and serenity,
    and our Armenian citizens could be found in the highest levels of state
    affairs. I proposed an ambassadorship to [Daron] Acemoğlu. For all of
    us, he brings great honor. He is one of the world's top economists. We
    believe that the coming period of time will be one during which we will
    be able to transcend all of the pre-conceptions not only in Turkey
    but throughout the Caucuses, and will thus be able to really build
    peace. Turkey will have to make the strongest effort possible in order
    to not experience religious splits and divisions, the likes of which
    we have seen previously in the Balkans and the Caucuses. The Middle
    East is in the middle of an extremely critical period of time. And
    one of the most important factors in this critical period is to be
    able to bring about and maintain peace between the various religious
    communities in an atmosphere of reciprocal understanding. This peace
    must not be limited to just the arena of religion, but must also be
    reflected onto the political scene as well."

    Davutoğlu is one of the most visionary Turkish foreign ministers. It
    is obvious that his visits to the religious institutions of minorities
    were more than a mere expression of good will. Davutoğlu, it seems
    to me, has come to realize the fact that a Turkey at war with her
    minorities cannot take a leading role in this part of the world. If
    Turkey were to present an example to the Muslim world, to Middle
    Eastern countries, it should also include a good pattern for the
    relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

    However, aside from these goodwill gestures and shifts in the political
    approach to minorities, we still have huge problems in this area,
    from the "legal personality" question of religious institutions
    to the reopening of the Theological School of Halki. Davutoğlu's
    visit and other developments are good signs showing the shift at the
    macro political level. However, what will happen in practice will
    also depend upon the minorities themselves; they should be a part of
    the solution by actively going after their rights and by developing
    concrete solutions for their age-old problems. I really wish to see
    an increasingly proactive attitude on the part of minorities, which
    will help us to bring substantial reforms in the field of religious
    freedoms in Turkey.

    From: A. Papazian