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BAKU: Russia's Actions To Retain Armenia In Its Influence Zone Yield

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  • BAKU: Russia's Actions To Retain Armenia In Its Influence Zone Yield


    March 6 2012

    Russia's actions to retain Armenia in its influence zone have
    not yielded the expected results, head of the Center of Political
    Innovations and Technologies, political scientist Mubariz Ahmedoglu
    said a briefing on Tuesday.

    He said problems remain in the Russian-Armenian relations.

    "Work of 'landing detachment', consisting of Russia's senior government
    officials, to retain Armenia in the zone of influence of Russia
    has not yielded the expected results. Visit of First Deputy Prime
    Minister Viktor Zubkov, Russia's Security Council Secretary Nikolai
    Patrushev, Minister of Transport and Chairman of the Russian-Armenian
    intergovernmental Commission Igor Levitin and head of Rosatom Sergey
    Kiriyenko ended by an official confirmation of the status of JSC
    "South Caucasian Railway" (SCR)," said Ahmedoglu.

    The document on strategic relations between Armenia and Russia up
    to 2020 has not been signed and no agreement was reached to build a
    nuclear power plant in Armenia, he added.

    "Official confirmation of the SCR status is a very important issue
    in the current environment. The most important step aimed at mockery,
    which Armenia has taken in respect of Russia, is associated with the
    SCR. Armenia signed a contract with the SCR, and after transfer of
    its railways to the concession management of the Russian Federation
    for 30 years, it changed its mind and wanted to convey its railways
    to the management of France. By exerting pressure, Russia has been
    able to prevent it," said the analyst.

    He said the nuclear power plant is not a station, generating
    electricity for Armenia but a "nuclear umbrella" and therefore views
    of Russia and Armenia do not coincide in the issue of nuclear power
    plant construction.

    The main purpose of the construction of nuclear power plant in
    Armenia is significant strengthening of the strategic options for
    the protection against Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    "With this purpose the Soviet Union built a nuclear power plant
    in Armenia. By constructing NPP, Armenia wants to strengthen the
    capabilities of its strategic defense and carry on a long struggle
    against Turkey and Azerbaijan. Therefore, Armenia considers it
    necessary participation of the US and France along with Russia in
    the construction of nuclear power plants. Armenia trusts its defense
    not only with Russia, so in the construction of nuclear power plant
    it does not want to rely on a single state, especially on Russia,"
    Ahmedoglu said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress