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BAKU: The Belgium Parliament Holds Hearing On The Karabakh Conflict

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  • BAKU: The Belgium Parliament Holds Hearing On The Karabakh Conflict


    March 6 2012

    Brussels. Victoria Dementieva - APA. The Federal Parliament of Belgium
    held hearing on "occupied territory, forgotten territory - humanitarian
    and legal aspects of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict", - APA reports.

    At the meeting, organized by the head of a working group of
    inter-parliamentary cooperation Azerbaijan-Belgium Elkhan Suleymanov,
    was attended by Deputy head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan,
    Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov,
    Deputy Minister for Economic Development Sevinc Hasanova, Doctor of
    international law Fuad Suleymanov, doctor of historical sciences
    Maharram Zulfugarli, Director of European Center for Security and
    Strategic Studies Claude Moniquet, founder of the organization
    "Borderless Lawyers" Pierre Legros.

    The meeting was opened by the deputy of the Belgian parliament, the
    head of a working group of inter-parliamentary co-Azerbaijan Belgium
    Philippe Blanchard. Then there was a demonstration of reportage -
    "Nagorno Karabakh: a visit to a refugee", prepared by journalists
    Euronews TV channel in 2011.

    Addressing the meeting, Ali Hasanov noted that as a result of
    occupation 20% of Azerbaijani territories by Armenians, one million
    Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs. During the fighting, killing
    dozens of people, including women, children and the elderly. The
    Karabakh conflict caused damage to the economy of Azerbaijan in the
    60 billion U.S. dollars.

    Hasanov said that the beginning of the conflict began in the late
    80s of last century, during the collapse of the Soviet Union. 20th
    February 1988 Regional Council of Deputies of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Autonomous Region (Nagorny Karabakh) had called for the release of
    Nagorny Karabakh from the Azerbaijan SSR and the occurrence of the
    Armenian SSR.

    Then, through violence and terror of the Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia
    were expelled Azerbaijani population of all the night of February
    25 to 26 the Armenian armed forces committed genocide against the
    Azerbaijanis and the Meskhetian Turks who lived in the town of Khojaly
    in Karabakh.

    Ali Hasanov informed the participants with the detailed work carried
    out on socio-economic resettlement of refugees and internally displaced
    persons, providing them with housing, with the destructive position
    of Armenia on the settlement of the conflict, the illegal settlement
    of occupied territories by persons of Armenian origin from other
    countries, drug production in the occupied lands, and so etc.

    Deputy Prime Minister said that these actions constitute a threat to
    Yerevan is not only the security of Azerbaijan and the entire region
    and the world community.

    Director of the Center for Strategic Studies and Security in Europe,
    Claude Moniquet said that Europe must become more involved in resolving
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "We must make every effort to resolve
    it", - said Moniquet, noting that in connection with the possible
    application of political sanctions against Armenia.

    The founder and head of the organization "Bourderless lawyers",
    Pierre Legros said that to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must
    first educate the international community on this issue and get their
    attention. "And Europe could make contribution", he said.

    Pierre Legros said that optimism does not apply to negotiations,
    conducted on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group,
    as the work of the OSCE Minsk Group for all the years of its existence
    has not brought success.

    He noted that in order to educate the public about international
    conflict will be useful to send a mission of the organization
    "Borderless lawyers" in Azerbaijan, so they can gather all the facts,
    and returned to tell about them in Europe.

    MP Gudrat Gasankuliev expressed the view that the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict is more dependent on Russia. Noted that "about this conflict
    is often referred to as frozen, but it is not. Once a violation of
    the fire at the contact line may result in a full-fledged war".

    He noted the importance of awareness in Europe about this conflict.

    Following the discussions, the Belgian member of parliament David
    Geerts pointed out the need to intensify efforts to resolve the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said the initiative to submit a resolution
    on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the Belgian Parliament.

    The discussions were attended by over 100 people, including experts,
    members of the upper and lower houses of parliament of Belgium, the
    delegation of the Azerbaijani-Belgian inter-parliamentary working
    group, headed by Elkhan Suleymanov.

    From: Baghdasarian