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Iran Muscles In On Azerbaijan

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  • Iran Muscles In On Azerbaijan

    By Robert M Cutler

    Asia Times
    March 6 2012

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    MONTREAL - The debate over Iran and its relations with the
    international community has taken on such a character that egregious
    errors of fact and logic cannot be allowed to stand, especially
    when they concern relations with smaller neighboring countries such
    as Azerbaijan.

    Polemics from Tehran against Baku reflect the fact that Iran's
    anti-Azerbaijan policy is driven by three motives. It is worthwhile
    to enumerate them after the briefest recall of the situation on
    the ground.

    Wars between Russia and Persia in the early 19th century ended the rule
    of local khans and established the present border between Azerbaijan
    and Iran, as the former was made part of the Russian Empire (and
    later Soviet Union) while "southern Azerbaijan" became part of the
    Persian Empire. Since 1991, the independent Republic of Azerbaijan
    has emerged as an autonomous player in Caspian Sea and world energy
    markets with significant offshore deposits of oil and gas.

    With a population just over 9 million scattered over an area of 86,600
    square kilometers (approximately the size of Portugal), including
    Nagorno-Karabakh, the 20% of Azerbaijan's land surface occupied
    by Armenia since the 1994 ceasefire in the Nagorno-Karabakh War,
    Azerbaijan's energy resources and geopolitical location have given
    it over the past two decades an international profile far higher than
    could otherwise be expected.

    The three motives that drive Iran's anti-Azerbaijan policy are:

    First, Azerbaijan's independence attracts the attention of the ethnic
    Azeri minority in Iran. [1] Second, Iran cannot stomach Azerbaijan's
    relations with the West in matters of security and energy. Third, the
    secularism of the Azerbaijani model gives the lie to the millenarian
    pretensions of the Tehran regime. Let me address these matters in

    First, Azerbaijan's independence attracts the attention of the ethnic
    Azeri minority in Iran, which comprises over a quarter and possibly
    as much as a third of Iran's population. Like other ethnic minorities
    in Iran (which together comprise half the country's population),
    ethnic Azeris are denied the right to educate their children in their
    national language and to use it in interaction with state institutions
    such as during judicial proceedings or in written bureaucratic forms.


    In the early 1990s, the then Azerbaijani president Abulfaz Elchibey
    made a few statements about "southern Azerbaijan" (ie, ethnic Azeri
    locales in northwest Iran) upon which Iranian commentators have
    drawn ever since, in order to seek to justify Tehran's support for
    "Christian" Armenia over "Muslim" Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh

    However, Elchibey left the presidency in Baku nearly two decades
    ago and no subsequent leader has ever repeated his views. Indeed,
    as demonstrated by the facts documented below, Azerbaijani state
    policy has respected the integrity of the Iranian state rather more
    scrupulously than Iran has respected Azerbaijan's.

    Second, Iran cannot stomach Azerbaijan's relationship with the West
    in matters of security and energy. But it is Iran that has been
    threatening Azerbaijan for over a decade rather than vice versa as
    some commentators have it.

    Thus, in the summer of 2001, the deployment of military force by
    Iran in the Caspian Sea and the threat of its use compelled a BP-led
    exploration mission including an Azerbaijani vessel to cease its work
    on the offshore Alov hydrocarbon deposit. [3]

    Moreover, Iran has for years already been seeking not only by words
    but by deeds to destabilize the legitimate government of Azerbaijan. A
    few examples demonstrate the point. Fifteen Iranians and Azerbaijanis
    were convicted in Azerbaijan in 2007 for spying on US, British,
    and Israeli interests, including oil facilities, and conspiring to
    overthrow the government. In 2008, Azerbaijani authorities exposed
    and thwarted a plot by Hezbollah operatives with Iranian assistance
    to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Baku. [4]

    Four months ago, the Azerbaijani journalist Rafiq Tagi was murdered
    in Baku for publishing an article critical of Iran, likely by an
    Iranian agent or pro-Iranian elements in Baku. [5] And in December
    2011, three Azerbaijani men were detained after planning to attack
    two Israelis employed by a Jewish school in Baku. [6]

    Against this background, warnings, for example, that Iran "could ...

    engag[e] in counter-covert operation activities" in Azerbaijan and that
    "Tehran will take it to the next level and most likely take action
    inside Azerbaijan" represent admissions of responsibility for what
    has already been occurring. (See, Tehran takes issue with Azerbaijan,
    Asia Times Online, February 15, 2012). This would be risible if the
    events themselves were not so tragic in their consequences.

    Third, the secularism of the Azerbaijani model gives the lie to the
    millenarian pretensions of the Tehran regime, this being all the more
    dangerous to the theocrats since Azerbaijan has a predominantly a
    Shi'ite population. Hypocritical to its own religious declarations,
    Iran has favored "Christian" Armenia over "Muslim" Azerbaijan from
    the start of the conflict between the two South Caucasus countries.

    The Tehran regime's advocacy of Islamic and Muslim unity is revealed
    as a thin tissue seeking to obscure the assertion and pursuit of
    Iran's own national interests as conceived by its ruling elite
    ("mullahklatura"), just as Moscow's advocacy of international
    proletarian unity was during the Cold War a cover for asserting and
    pursing Russia's national interests, as conceived by the Soviet ruling
    elite ("nomenklatura").

    Iran's support for Armenia has come in more than words. To indicate
    but a few deeds: Iran opened a crucial gas pipeline to Armenia in
    2007 providing an energy lifeline, is constructing two hydroelectric
    plants on the Araks River that marks their common border, and has
    built a highway and railroad between the two countries. [7]

    Armenia has reciprocated Iran's attention. According to a US State
    Department cable released by WikiLeaks, Armenia has facilitated
    the purchase by Iran of rockets and machine guns later used to kill
    American troops in Iraq. [8] In March 2011, Armenia's President Serzh
    Sargsyan accepted the invitation of Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad
    to celebrate Novruz (Persian New Year) in Tehran, where the leader
    from Yerevan, the Armenian capital, underlined that the Iranian
    government "has placed no limits on the development of cooperation
    with Yerevan". [9]

    With Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's descent into
    anti-Israeli demagoguery to compete with Iran in Arab public opinion
    and distract the Turkish electorate from his government's faltering
    economic performance, Azerbaijan today represents the institutionalized
    historical memory of the 2,400-year coexistence of Turkic Muslims
    with Jews.

    The well-known epitome of this relationship in modern history is the
    Ottoman Sultan Beyazid II's formal invitation to Jews expelled from
    Spain and Portugal in 1492 to take up residence in Turkey.

    That being so, the ruling elite in Tehran view the very existence
    of Azerbaijan as giving the lie to their own pretensions about the
    immutability of conflict between Jews and Muslims in general. They
    thus seek to remove that existence.

    As far back as 1999, for example, in reference to the Gabala radar
    station in Azerbaijan, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the
    Iranian armed forces Hassan Firouzabadi threatened the Baku government
    by pointing to the presence of "Shiite Azeris with Iranian blood in
    their veins" in the region where the base might be established. [10]

    Firouzabadi has continued in this manner for over a dozen years. Just
    last August, he personally threatened the Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliev with a "dark future" if he did not "pay heed" and cease
    "to bar Islamic rules". [11]

    But can Iran's aggressive words and deeds be at all justified? Is
    Azerbaijan actually hostile to Iran? The facts say no. Azerbaijan has
    supported Iran's right for peaceful nuclear program. [12] In January
    2011, it signed a five-year agreement to supply least one billion
    cubic meters of natural gas annually to Iran. [13] Most notably,
    Azerbaijan has pledged that its territory would not be used for
    military purposes against Iran. [14]

    Yet we read in Asia Times Online (see above reference) that Baku should
    "prepare for the worst consequences if its territory or air space
    [is] used for strikes against Iran", because it "has entered into a
    Faustian bargain that may well backfire".

    The author of that article explicitly mentions the failed car bomb
    in New Delhi and an incident in Tbilisi in order to assert that they
    "serve as a warning sign that [Baku] could be witness to similar, if
    not worse, troubles threatening [Azerbaijan's] peace and tranquility
    if it continues to favor Iran's adversaries".

    Still more striking, he writes: "Tehran's ruling elite may resort
    to offensive measures inside[!!] Azerbaijan, ... scaring energy
    investors, and thus introducing economic hardship"; and again, Iran
    "retaliat[es by] ... sowing the seeds of instability in the South
    Caucasus-South Caspian region"; and again, "Tehran will take it to
    the next level and most likely take action inside [the first "inside"
    was not a mistake!] Azerbaijan."

    Further facts could be adduced to demonstrate how Baku, not Tehran,
    has the right to be the aggrieved party between the two; however,
    there are limits to the patience that an author is entitled to expect
    of a reader. Nevertheless, the facts already presented here must
    surely make clear the perils of "reportage" that only recites the
    views of one power in the region, while trusting that readers far
    away lack in-depth knowledge of it.

    Such a commentary as the one cited here, when it is brought up
    against real and indisputable (and documented) facts on the ground,
    is revealed as a compendium of such shamelessly open threats as have
    long characterized the Tehran regime, threats that, when publicized
    in certain ways, may in turn represent a signal for a terrorist
    mobilization by agents already in place.

    In that context, it is worth noting that as recently as late February,
    members of a terrorist cell created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
    (Sepah) and the Lebanese Hezbollah were arrested in Azerbaijan.


    Notes: 1. The ethnic group is actually called "Azerbaijani" although
    "Azeri" is in wide popular use. Here I use "Azeri" for the ethnic
    group in order to avoid confusion, since "Azerbaijani" is also the
    proper adjectival form of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    2. International Federation for Human Rights [FIDH], The Hidden side
    of Iran: Discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities,
    [Dossier] no. 545a, (Paris: FIDH, October 2010), pp. 15-16. All URLs
    were verified on 21 February 2012.

    3. Robert M. Cutler, "Renewed Conflicts in the Caspian," FSU Oil &
    Gas Monitor, No. 145, 13 August 2001, pp. 4-6.

    4. Sebastian Rotella, "Azerbaijan seen as new front in Mideast
    conflict", Los Angeles Times, 30 May 2009.

    5. Il'gar Rasul, "Rafik Tagi rasskazal o pokushenii" [Rafiq Tagi Talked
    about the Attack], Radio Free Europe, 22 November 2011 (in Russian);
    see also Rauf Orudzhev and Rauf Mirgadyrov, "Iranskii aiatolla
    poprivetstvoval ubiistvo v Azerbaidzhane" [Iranian Ayatollah Welcomed
    Murder in Azerbaijan], Zerkalo (Baku), 29 November 2011 (in Russian).

    6. "In Azerbaijan, the planned attack on the Ambassador of Israel",
    Baku Today, 25 January 2012.

    7. Armen Israyelyan, "Iran, Armenia share interests in regional issues:
    20-year-old history of diplomatic relations", Panorama (Yerevan),
    20 February 2011.

    8. US Secretary of State, Washington DC, to US Embassy, Yerevan,
    "Letter from Deputy Secretary Negroponte regarding 2003 Armenian Arms
    Procurement for Iran", 24 December 2008.

    9. Gayane Abrahamyan with Gohar Abrahamyan, "Armenia: Iranian Tourists
    Let Loose in Yerevan for Novruz", EurasiaNet, 1 April 2011.

    10. Jomhouri Eslami (Tehran), as cited in "Iran Report", Radio Free
    Europe (1 February 1999).

    11. "Iran top commander warns Azerbaijan's Aliyev not to suppress
    people's awakening", ISNA [Iranian Students' News Agency] (Tehran),
    11 August 2011.

    12. "Azerbaijan supports diplomacy on Iran" PressTV (Tehran), 24
    October 2010 (URL as cached by Google).

    13. Giorgi Lomsadze, "As Iran Gets a Big Slice of Azerbaijan's Energy
    Pie, Europe Comes Knocking", EurasiaNet, 13 January 2011.

    14. "Editor sentenced over article about possible US attack on Iran",
    Pravda, 30 October 2007.

    15. K. Zarbaliyeva, "Terrorist group of Sepah and Hezbollah neutralized
    in Azerbaijan", Trend News Agency, 21 February 2012.

    Robert M Cutler is a senior research fellow at the Institute for
    European, Eurasian and Russian Studies, Carleton University, Canada.
