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OSCE MG Targets People After Failing With Politicians?

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  • OSCE MG Targets People After Failing With Politicians?

    Marina Ananikyan

    March 6, 2012 - 21:24 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Completing subsequent tour over Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict zone, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs came up with another
    statement today. Though nothing new was remarkable in this context,
    the statements voiced in Baku suggest that greater attention is
    attached to social-humanitarian rather than political aspect of the
    negotiation process.

    During meetings with Presidents of Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh and
    Azerbaijan, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs (Ambassadors Robert Bradtke
    of the United States, Igor Popov of the Russian Federation,
    and Jacques Faure of France) and Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk
    (Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office) discussed
    humanitarian issues, particularly related to establishment of contacts
    between the two nations, which "may foster development of mutual

    Robert Bradtke noted that mediators have "started establishing
    humanitarian ties between the nations. This is only the beginning.

    Cooperation in this stage inspires hope."

    Noting that OSCE MG co-chairs visited the border between Artsakh and
    Azerbaijan last December, Bradtke said, "people residing on both sides
    encounter similar problems, such as water supply and energy problems.

    We aim to build cooperation between people facing the same problems."

    However, the question is that problems of crucial importance such
    as water supply, energy issues and many others are outcomes of the
    conflict itself. The co-chairs seriously believe, that those problems
    may become a starting point of reconciliation between peoples of
    Artsakh and Azerbaijan, the latter having massacred Armenians in Baku,
    Sumgait, Kirovabad and Karabakh itself. Is it possible to make Artsakh
    people forget about the horror of war and leave ancestral lands? Is
    it possible to force Azeris to abandon attempts to conquer lands that
    were once presented to them?

    Nagorno Karabakh talks seem to have entered a deadlock, especially
    given the fact that Baku occasionally tries to prevent achievement
    of any progress, not wanting to abandon aggressive statements that
    help Azeri authorities to draw attention away from domestic problems,
    instead sowing hatred against Armenians.

    Impression is created that OSCE Minsk Group failing to reconcile
    Armenian, Azerbaijani and Karabakh leaders, has resolved to target the
    nation, that may force its authorities to settle the conflict... What
    if it doesn't?
