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BAKU: Withdrawal from Eurovision 2012 - Armenian propaganda machine

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  • BAKU: Withdrawal from Eurovision 2012 - Armenian propaganda machine

    APA, Azerbaijan
    March 7 2012

    Withdrawal from Eurovision Song Contest 2012 - Armenian propaganda
    machine accepts defeat - ANALYSIS

    [ 07 Mar 2012 18:16 ]
    The step taken by Armenia at the time when the humanitarian dialogue
    is brought to the forefront in the peace negotiations shows that
    Yerevan's claims on `necessity of public diplomacy' were insincere

    Baku. Vugar Masimoglu - APA. The step taken by Armenia is not a
    surprise for the persons reasonably assessing the processes, the
    Public Television of this country has officially announced their
    withdrawal from the Eurovision Song Contest 2012. The position of the
    European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which first reacted to this
    decision, shows that this is not a surprise for the organization. The
    Contest Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand said: "We are truly
    disappointed by the broadcaster's decision to withdraw from this
    year's Eurovision Song Contest. Despite the efforts of the EBU and the
    Host Broadcaster to ensure a smooth participation for the Armenian
    delegation in this year's Contest, circumstances beyond our control
    lead to this unfortunate decision." What are these circumstances? The
    problems regarding security? Actually, Jon Ola Sand in his statement
    indirectly confirmed that these claims are pretexts. The European
    Broadcasting Union is directly responsible for the security of the
    delegations participating in the contest, audience, it obtains
    official security guarantee from the host country, basing on this
    guarantee passes decision to start the organizational activities. It
    is up to the EBU to obtain security guarantee, the EBU has obtained
    this guarantee from the Azerbaijani government and the statement of
    Jon Ola Sand means that the question of security, which Armenia has
    been keeping in the focus of attention for a long time, is a pretext,
    Armenians indeed have passed a decision not to participate in the
    contest because of the circumstances beyond EBU's control. What are
    these circumstances?

    In order to answer this question it is necessary to analyze Armenia's
    tactics regarding the participation in this contest. The first
    question that arose after Azerbaijan's representatives won in the
    contest was connected with Armenia's participation. While this was
    unimportant for a European not able to assess the existing realities
    of the region, it was urgent for the societies of Azerbaijan and
    Armenia that are under the conditions of active conflict for 24 years.
    Armenia assessed this urgency from the first day, used the tactics of
    artificial agiotage around the participation in the contest. The aim
    was to cast shadow on the achievements (not the material benefits) of
    Azerbaijan as a host country. It is not accidental that for several
    months the Armenian propaganda machine has been attempting to
    attribute to the security problem its hesitation regarding
    participation in Eurovision, it has been claiming that there is no
    guarantee for security of the delegation, media representatives,
    citizens. But these claims were reduced to zero by the Azerbaijani
    government and the European Broadcasting Union, both sides said the
    security of all delegations and everyone who will come to Baku to
    watch the contest will be fully ensured. After it became known that a
    record number of countries will participate in Eurovision 2012, the
    security claims of the Armenian propaganda machine failed, though
    Armenian Public Television postponed the announcement of the final
    decision, in the end they were obliged to say that they would
    participate in the contest.

    Were the hesitations of Armenia really related to the security
    problems? Many representatives of this country participated in the
    international events held in Baku in recent years and no problem
    occurred on their security. But why do Armenians exaggerate the
    security problem? The logical result is the following - the only
    significance of participation for Armenia in Eurovision-2012 is the
    making anti-Azerbaijan propaganda. The participation of Armenia in the
    contest has no meaning because they failed this propaganda now.
    Armenians always made propagandas in all contests. Everybody remembers
    that the Armenian spectators waved the flag of so-called `Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic', included the elements in their show-programs which
    irritated Azerbaijani and Turkish spectators, the keeping by
    presenter, who announces the results of the country, the of photo
    `Armenian monuments' in our occupied lands. But it was known that the
    Armenians wouldn't make this propaganda in Baku, because neither
    Azerbaijan nor the contest's organizer European Broadcasting Union
    would have allowed it. That's why it's obvious that all pretexts for
    Armenia, the purpose of which is making anti-Azerbaijan propaganda in
    participation in the contest, have exhausted.

    On the other side, Armenians can't digest the dividends that will be
    given by this contest to Azerbaijan. Anyhow, Eurovision Song Contest,
    which is in the top five in the list of contests having the most
    audiences in the world, will play a great role in introduction of
    Azerbaijan. According to various calculations, bout 500 mln people
    watch semi-final and final stages of Eurovision, it means that one of
    14 people in the world will obtain information through video tapes and
    show-program about Azerbaijan, nature, rich culture and music of our
    country. Eurovision-2012 will bring to naught the groundless
    imaginations about our country in the West by Armenian propaganda
    machine. Such contests are the irreplaceable tools for forming the
    public opinion from the point of view of having the mainstream
    audience and the West will know Azerbaijan once again through these
    tools. Thus, the successful usage of chance by Azerbaijan from hosting
    the Eurovision-2012 also means the first serious defeat of Armenian
    propaganda machine and Armenian Diaspora.

    On the other side, Armenia's refusal of participation in
    Eurovision-2012 at the time when the humanitarian dialogue is brought
    to the forefront in the negotiations on the settlement of Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict shows that the claims of Yerevan on `necessity of
    public diplomacy' were insincere. Both countries (i.e. also
    Armenia)undertook the commitment on taking mutual steps for formation
    of mutual confidence atmosphere in the last negotiations held through
    OSCE Minsk Group, the first step in this direction has been already
    taken, Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals met in Moscow after 4
    years and the agreement was achieved for holding such meetings in the
    future. Eurovision-2012 platform can be considered as the most
    relevant platform for continuing the dialogue, by refusing the
    participation in the contest, Armenia showed its `sincerity' in the
    negotiations on the settlement of the conflict.

    From: Baghdasarian