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BAKU: Freizer: New War Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Would Be Long

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  • BAKU: Freizer: New War Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Would Be Long

    Sabine Freizer: New War Between Armenia and Azerbaijan Would Be Long
    and Hard
    [image: PDF]

    BAKU. March 6, 2012: Turan News Agency interviewed Sabine Freizer, the
    Director of the Europe Program of International Crisis Group (ICG),
    discussing the possibility of the renewal of the active war between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    ICG has just published a big report on the problems of the internally
    displaced persons (IDP) in Azerbaijan. Can you briefly describe the main
    problems of this category of people? What are the recommendations of your
    organization to the government of Azerbaijan ?

    The International Crisis Group published a report on 27 February
    entitled Tackling
    Azerbaijan's IDP Burden where we emphasized that the government has
    significantly improved its care of this population of approximately 600,000
    over the past five years. Though many still face precarious existences, the
    state has been investing heavily in new housing and increasing benefits. In
    a very poignant sign of change, the notorious railcar and tent camps have

    At the same time even though the government has constructed new housing for
    over 100,000 people some complain of poor construction and infrastructure,
    lack of community participation in planning and limited access to land or
    job opportunities in the new communities. IDPs should be more effectively
    integrated into decision-making about housing, services, and other
    community needs, as well as contingency planning for emergencies and
    confidence-building measures (CBMs).

    Azerbaijan's IDPs' ability to express their interests is limited by their
    inability to elect municipal representatives. The some 40,000 from
    Nagorno-Karabakh are in principle represented as a group by the Azerbaijani
    Community of Nagorno-Karabakh Social Union, but its leadership is not fully
    popularly elected, and the 560,000 displaced from the occupied districts
    around Nagorno-Karabakh are not well represented. The political voice of
    IDPs thus remains weak and the government should allow IDPs, while their
    villages and towns remain occupied, to vote for municipal councils in their
    places of temporary residence.

    To protect IDPs and other civilians along the LoC, the Azerbaijan
    authorities should also agree with the Armenian government and the de facto
    authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh to an expanded interim OSCE monitoring
    role, to an OSCE proposal to remove snipers from the LoC and to set up an
    incident investigation mechanism, as well as to immediately cease military
    exercises near the LoC and advancing trench positions

    Several weeks ago the French Senate adopted a law on criminalization of
    denying the Armenian genocide. This decision coincided with campaign or the
    wave of protests in Azerbaijan with demand to exclude France from the OSCE
    Minsk group. Do you think it is correct for France to be in a Minsk group,
    insisting that Paris is impartial moderator in resolving the conflict? And
    the second: do you believe that Azerbaijan can make serious steps to
    exclude France from the Minsk group? Is it is interests of Baku if Paris is
    excluded from the Minsk Group?

    The French Constitutional Court has overturned the law on criminalization
    of genocide denial and I am convinced that the passage of this law had much
    more to do with internal French politics, and the presence of some 500,000
    ethnic Armenians in France, than on the country's view of Turkey or

    We are about to reach the 20th year anniversary of the Minsk Group and I
    think that it is totally fair and appropriate to question whether this is
    the best format through which to negotiation a solution to the conflict.
    However I don't think that the law on the criminalization of the genocide
    means that France is pro-Armenian and anti-Azerbaijani. Few in France would
    ever link Baku to the tragic events of 1915. They may not even realize that
    Azerbaijanis have any relations to Turkic populations. If anything this
    would be a good time to remind Paris that Azerbaijan still has 600,000 IDPs
    with no permanent solutions to their plight in sight.

    I think that it will be very difficult to change the co-chairs of the Minsk
    Group within the current OSCE format. Would with decide on such a change?
    The OSCE chairperson in office, all Minsk Group members or all OSCE
    participating states? In any event it is highly unlikely that a clear
    consensus would be achieved and first and foremost European Union member
    states should themselves support such a change, together with Baku and

    What is your assessment of combat readiness of Azeri and Armenian army?
    Can Azerbaijan win if the war resumes?

    A year ago International Crisis Group published a report called Armenia and
    Azerbaijan Preventing War where we warned about the possibility of an
    accidental work as both countries are engaged in an arms race, escalating
    front-line clashes, vitriolic war rhetoric and there is a virtual breakdown
    in the Minsk Group peace talks.

    Some people think in Azerbaijan and Armenia that they can win a quick war.
    But we demonstrated in our report that any war would be long and hard.
    Azerbaijan's armed forces are estimated at nearly 95,000, Armenia's and
    Nagorno-Karabakh's at around 70,000. The two sides' arsenals are
    increasingly deadly, sophisticated and capable of sustaining a protracted
    war. Both can hit large population centres, critical infrastructure and

    For Azerbaijan, the main problem would be that Armenian forces have the
    tactical advantage, as their forces control most of the high ground around
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Any offensive beyond Fizuli and Jebrail would be
    literally and figuratively an uphill battle over difficult mountain terrain
    for Azerbaijan, requiring at least triple superiority in troops and arms.

    What could be the role of the Great Powers in this case: Russia, US,
    Turkey, Iran? Which one of them would support either side of the conflict
    and why?

    It is very possible that the regional powers would be dragged into the war
    even though Russia and Turkey are very close strategic allies.

    Armenia would likely try to secure Russian military involvement by invoking
    CSTO mutual defence commitments, even if direct Russian military
    participation would be far from

    Guaranteed. Russia's Gyumri base agreement was modified in August 2010,
    when an extension was signed, to include security guarantees against
    general threats to Armenian security even if it does not fully clarify
    Moscow's military obligation if war resumes over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    On August 16, 2010, days before the upgraded Russian-Armenian military deal
    was announced, Turkey and Azerbaijan signed a strategic partnership and
    mutual assistance agreement, stipulating they will support each other
    `using all possibilities' in the case of a military attack or `aggression'
    against the other. The agreement is not public so it is impossible to say
    what would happen if there was a resumption of war but clearly there would
    be much public support in Turkey for assistance to Azerbaijan.

    I don't believe that the US or the EU would get directly involved. But a
    resumption of hostilities would seriously undermine U.S. and EU energy
    interests. Both seek to develop the Southern Caucasus as an alternative
    source and transit route for energy imports to Europe. A full-scale war
    would also threaten the Caucasus air corridor that accounts for nearly 70
    per cent of all NATO's military transport flights to bases in Central Asia,
    as well as the alternative overland supply route to Afghanistan via

    Do you believe that Armenians and Azeris in principle can resolve the
    conflict peacefully? If yes, why they couldn't do it in 20 years? If not
    what is the main obstacles? What is the main reason which is blocking
    efforts in adopting Basic principles of resolution of the conflict? Do you
    believe that Baku can agree to a referendum in Karabakh?

    I believe that Armenian and Azerbaijan can in resolve this conflict and the
    Basic Principles offer an excellent blueprint to move forward. But clearly
    there is a lack of trust between the sides, at all levels from the
    Presidents to the average people. This makes an agreement on the Basic
    Principles much more difficult because it calls for a long term process of
    return, rehabilitation, and normalization, not an immediate solution to the
    conflict. The sides need to trust that after a decade or two of slow but
    steady progress they will be able to agree on the final status of NK. To
    start this process they need much trust and confidence. It is not as though
    the international community was just coming in and imposing a solution.

    At this point, Armenia and Azerbaijan cannot agree on the future status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenians of course want a clear perspective for an
    independent Nagorno-Karabakh (in return for much of the surrounding
    occupied territories), while Baku says that NK will remain part of the
    Azerbaijan. The Basic Principles try to delay any decision on status, but
    both sides constantly try to include something on status to secure their

    Azerbaijan has used different formulations suggesting that it can agree on
    a vote on NK status. The problem is not the notion of a referendum or a
    vote. The problem is in the details of what question will be asked, where
    the vote will be held, who will vote, will a vote in NK have to be followed
    up by one in Azerbaijan to be valid=85

    What do you think about the proposal to establish a new format of
    international moderators instead of the OSCE Minsk Group?

    As I said earlier twenty years after the setting up of the Minsk Group it
    is appropriate to ask whether it is effective. Clearly it needs to be more
    transparent and do more to build up trust between the sides. Does it need
    to be replaced all together by another mechanism? Perhaps. But who can
    replace the biggest regional powers: Russia, the US and through France, the
    EU? This question will also be the topic of a future Crisis Group report
