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Turkey opposes military intervention in Syria

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  • Turkey opposes military intervention in Syria

    Associated Press Online
    March 8, 2012 Thursday 2:22 PM GMT

    Turkey opposes military intervention in Syria

    TUNIS Tunisia

    The presidents of Turkey and Tunisia say they are opposed to outside
    military intervention in Syria, urging a diplomatic settlement to the
    bloodshed instead.

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul says regional powers should try and
    find a solution for the crisis.

    Turkey, which shares a long border with Syria, has been calling for an
    end to a crackdown by Syria's government troops, and is set to host a
    diplomatic conference on Syria's future.

    At Gul's side after meeting Thursday, Tunisia's President Moncef
    Marzouki said, "arming insurgents and foreign intervention would only
    complicate the situation."

    THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further
    information. AP's earlier story is below.

    LONDON (AP) Russia and China are paying "a diplomatic price" across
    the Arab world for their opposition to international action against
    Syria's ruling regime, Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said

    China and Russia have already vetoed two United Nations resolutions
    condemning the Syrian government's bloody crackdown and calling for
    President Bashar Assad to step down.

    Members of the U.N. Security Council began discussions this week over
    a possible new resolution, though it's unclear whether alternative
    language in the latest draft would be sufficient for the two nations
    to drop their objections.

    "While we should not be starry-eyed about this, it's certainly true
    that China and Russia are paying a diplomatic price for the position
    that they have taken," Hague told Parliament's Foreign Affairs select
    committee. "Throughout the Arab world they are paying that price
    particularly in the opinion of the people of many Arab nations."

    Hague said nations at the U.N. must continue to work on agreeing to "a
    meaningful resolution" that supports the work of the joint U.N.-Arab
    League envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

    "If our view is correct that the Assad regime cannot recover its
    credibility internationally, or internally after spilling so much
    blood and that one way or another it is doomed, then it is in the
    national interest of Russia and China to support a political
    transition at some stage," Hague said.

    Russia's foreign ministry on Tuesday dismissed Western hopes for a
    shift in its stance as "wishful thinking," while China on Thursday
    said its special envoy had held talks with Syria's foreign minister
    and opposition figures during a visit to the country. Li Huaxin
    reiterated Beijing's belief that the Syrian crisis could be settled
    peacefully through dialogue.

    Hague told legislators that Britain may be prepared to offer equipment
    to Syria's opposition, but said there were concerns over whether it
    would be possible to deliver items into Syria and fears they could end
    up in the hand of extremists.

    "We can help and we will continue offer help to peaceful Syrian
    opposition groups," he said. "I don't rule out giving more nonlethal

    Hague acknowledged it could be possible to replicate the aid that had
    been offered to Libya's rebel forces where Britain supplied body armor
    and communications equipment.

    However, he said worries that al-Qaida-linked extremists were
    operating inside Syria could pose a challenge.

    "That is a consideration in trying to provide practical assistance," he said.

    In Athens, Greece's Foreign Minister Stavros Dimas met with Syrian
    opposition representatives to discuss a peaceful end to the country's
    yearlong uprising. A representative from the Coordination Committee
    for Democratic Change, one of the Syria's two main opposition groups,
    said his group is committed to a non-violent transition to democracy.

    Separately, Turkey's president said France would be invited to an
    upcoming diplomatic conference on Syria despite a diplomatic dispute
    over mass killings of Armenians at the end of the Ottoman Empire.

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul during a visit to Tunisia that he wants
    "the largest possible participation" in the next so-called Friends of
    Syria conference.

    Turkey, which shares a long border with Syria, and France, Syria's
    former colonial ruler, have been calling for stronger world action on
    Syria. But Turkish-French relations have stalled over a French law
    making it a crime to deny that mass killings of Armenians in 1915
    constituted genocide.
