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Javakhk: An Unforgettable Weekend

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  • Javakhk: An Unforgettable Weekend

    Javakhk: An Unforgettable Weekend

    Saturday, March 10th, 2012

    The AYF group in Javakhk


    During the summer of 2010, I decided to participate in the AYF Youth
    Corp Program, where nine participants and I ran a day camp for the
    children of Gyumri for four weeks and spent two weeks in Yerevan
    visiting historical monuments and enjoying what Armenia had to offer.
    However, my trip was complete only after the last weekend, after
    visiting Javakhk. Having heard about Javakhk for years and
    participating in many fundraisers, I was ecstatic to finally witness
    everything firsthand.

    During the course of two days we went Akhalkalak, where we saw the Hye
    Getron and met its youth members, and drove to Parvana Lake, while
    stopping at a few small villages on the way.

    What I observed in Javakhk surely put things into perspective.
    Although I had heard countless stories about their dire conditions,
    seeing the extent of their troubles was something I was not prepared
    for. Damaged and shattered houses made of wood and cow manure lined up
    one after another. Roofs were falling apart, bathrooms were composed
    of wooden boxes, and showers were collectively shared by entire
    communities. Children walked around, malnourished and too small for
    their years, with hand me down clothing. Extended families shared
    small houses with one or two rooms. Food and supplies were limited;
    their struggle was evident.

    On the drive through these villages, we stopped at a house where a
    kind older lady greeted us. Although her house was falling apart, she
    had a big smile on her face and welcomed us with open arms. Her entire
    family lived in one house, including grandchildren.

    As I walked around, what I found endearing was that all of the
    children shared a few toys but were still thankful for everything they
    had. This is a major difference from America where most kids walk
    around with a cell phone, an iPod, the latest clothing, and the newest
    electronic games and gadgets.

    Their optimism and love for Javakhk were amazing. Even through their
    hardships, the love they had for their land was unconditional. They
    explained that Javakhk belonged to Armenia and that they were happy to
    be living in their home. Their outlook was inspiring.

    After seeing the conditions in Javakhk, my fellow Youth Corp
    participants and I collectively decided to donate our clothing and
    whatever else we could. I had heard stories about the struggles in
    Javakhk, but after seeing everything firsthand, donating over half of
    what was in my luggage became much easier. They were thankful for
    every single donation from socks to towels. The gratitude they had for
    our small donation and the diaspora as a whole was beaming through
    their smiles. As we made the donation, we ensured them of one fact;
    they were always on our minds and that our support would never cease.

    My short visit to Javakhk opened my eyes to a new perspective. How
    could people be so happy with so little? How were they so willing to
    fight and struggle in order to keep Javakhk occupied by Armenians? Why
    were they more welcoming and optimistic than many American families
    who own a house, have at least two cars, always have food on the
    table, own brand name clothing, and buy the latest technological
    gadgets? These people did not have an ounce of selfishness or
    materialism. They had no desire to be wealthy and own expensive toys.
    Their sole objective was to put food on the table, stay warm, keep
    their families healthy, and occupy their lands.

    On the way back from Javakhk my thoughts were racing. I was sad to see
    their struggles. I was sympathetic to hear their stories. I was
    inspired by their will to survive. I was overjoyed to hear their
    determination to live in Javakhk in the hopes of one day reuniting
    with Armenia. I was surprised at how grateful they were for the small
    things in life. I felt guilty because of how much I had compared to
    how little they owned.

    But it was then that I came to a realization. The people of Javakhk
    don't care about how many things they own. They just want to live
    comfortably, to see our faces, to hear that they are always on our
    minds. They need to hear that, despite our distance, their struggles
    are our struggles, their worries are our worries, and that their
    determination to see historical Armenia reunited is a dream that we
    all share. Instead of feeling sorry for them, I developed a new
    appreciation. Their struggle and outlook on life inspired me and
    brought a newfound determination to stay active and help out.

    My weekend in Javakhk is one that I will never forget. I realized that
    no matter how much money we raise here, no matter how many articles of
    clothing we send, our efforts are nothing compared to the direct
    struggles they face on a daily basis. They are determined to preserve
    their culture and to reunite with Armenia. They refuse to give in to
    the hardships that the Georgian government presents and to their
    poverty. They should be an inspiration to us all as they are a prime
    example of dedicated Armenians struggling to keep their cultural
    identity no matter how hard the conditions.

    Javakhk now holds a special place in my heart and will definitely be a
    place I visit during every trip to Armenia. I am excited to return and
    experience the people's amazing spirit, zeal to endure, and passion
    for everything Armenian.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress