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The Genuine Scientist and Decent Man

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  • The Genuine Scientist and Decent Man

    The Genuine Scientist and Decent Man
    Saturday, March 10th, 2012

    By Aram Yelahyan

    May be the reason was in the ancestral roots that Albert Sharuryan
    chose the sphere of the Western Armenian literature and did his best
    to serve it during his literary activity lasting half a century. His
    parents were orphans who immigrated in 1915 from the villages Narek
    and Paykhner that were situated on the southern bank of the lake Van -
    famous for Narek Moanstery where was the tomb of St. Grigor Naregatsi
    and his prayer-place situated in the cave of the mountain. May be he
    has inherited the kindness and decency from those saint places.
    Sharuryan was one of those persons in who's the genuine scientist and
    decency are joined: unfortunately, such couplings are rare nowadays.
    Albert Sharuryan was born in the year of 1931...
    Albert S, Sharuryan would have been 81 on the 10 of March.
    The Scientist and Intellectual
    The name Albert was chosen by his father, who thought that the name in
    armenian means red fortress. The son was hardly ten years old when
    together with his studies at school he started to help his father in
    transporting the materials and selling wooden things in order to earn
    the daily bread for the family. The years of the Second World War were
    especially hard when the care of the family was on his shoulders
    because his father was in the battlefield. From those times Sharuryan
    remembers the tragedy when a boy of his age trying to run away with
    the stolen piece of bread in his hand had fallen under the wheels of
    the tram.
    During the years at school Albert Sharutyan already chose his
    specialty and in 1949 goes to the philological faculty at the Yerevan
    State University. The years at the university as it was typical for
    the people of his generation passed in self-sacrifice work and
    sometimes he and his friends wounded their fingers and put some salt
    on the wounds in order to stay awake and study the whole night.
    The first years after his study was devoted to the reporter's work and
    from 1962 till his death Sharuryan turned to literary activity and
    teaching sphere taking the position of professor at the Yereva State
    University since 1976.
    The literary heritage of Albert Sharuryan are all-embracing and
    valuable: he is the author of a wide range of books and textological
    Srbuhi Tyusab: 'Srbuhi Tyusab: her life and literary activity'
    Petros Duryan: 'Petros Duryan: his life and literary activity', 'The
    Nightingle of Skyutar', 'The Life and Literary Activity of Petros
    Duryan', 'The collection of works in two volumes', 'Petros Duryan.
    Collection', 'Petros Duryan in the Documents and Memoirs of the
    Contemporaries'. (Sharuryan has also taken a practical participation
    in giving an accurate information for the creation of Duryan's
    portrait - about his life, literary activity, surrounding, clothes and
    hairdressing. Together with Andranik Chagharyan he participated in
    reconstruction of Duryan's face and bust, edited the work on it).
    Misak Metsarents: 'Misak Metsarents', 'The full collection of works by
    Misak Metsarents', 'Misak Metsarents and Daniel Varuzhan in the
    Memoirs of the Contemprtories'.
    Daniel Varuzhan: 'Daniel Varuzhan: the chronology of his life and
    works', 'The full collection of Varuzhan's works in three volumes'.
    Grigor Zohrap was Albert Sharuryan's last shelter in his literay activity.
    In 1996 Sharuryan published the scientific and investigative huge work
    entitled 'The Chronology of Grigor Zohrap's Life and Literary
    Activity' due to encouragement of Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin
    His Holiness was acquainted with the works by Sharuryan from the
    Catholicosate of Antelias and in 1995 in Echmiadzin he got to know him
    personally. Sharuryan told about such a dialogue which had taken place
    during their first meeting in the Veharan. His Holiness had asked him
    if he had visited the Mother Cathedral that day and getting an
    affirmative answer went on asking if he had prayed. Sharuryan had
    replied: 'Your Holiness, I don't know how to pray but I asked God
    first of all to guide my children and grandchildren in their
    hardships, then to help those who are in need, and then at the very
    end if he wishes to assist me'. 'That is the utmost right prayer',-
    was the reply of the Catholicos of blessed memory. The great
    bibliophile highly appreciates Sharuryan as specialist and
    The publishing house of Holy Echmiadzin also published 'Grigor Zohrap,
    Pages from the Diary of a Traveler'.
    In 1994 Albert Sharuryan's monographic work entitled 'From the Pages
    of Grigor Zohrap's Life and Literary Heritage' received Hamazkayin
    Award and was published in Beirut.
    In 2001-2004 was published the Full Collection of Grigor Zohrap's
    Works. This book was highly evaluated. The six volumes of about 3500
    was a great performance in the armenian literary world, where one can
    discover another Zohrap - the national promoter and statesman,
    publicist, intellectual, a husband, honest man and unselfish friend.
    in a word we see the whole face and merit of Grigor Zohrap in these
    The next and the last work by Sharuryan was `Grigor Zohrap in the
    Memoirs and Statements of the Contemporaries' published in 2006.
    Albert Sharuryan is also the author of other works and translations
    and more than 200 articles which have been published in the scientific
    and literary periodicals of Armenia and abroad.
    He was cooperating with all national, cultural and spiritual
    establishments all over the world, and Matenadaran and National
    Library can really be considered as his second home.
    The Luminous Man from Yerevan
    This is the title of the article about Sharuryan printed by reporter
    and publicist Sergey Bablumyan in his book entitled 'Far and near'.
    There he writes: 'The beginning of the 90-s of the last century
    Yerevan was noticeable also for one thing, that, it was easy to get
    acquainted with the professors in the queues for bread where everybody
    was equal but not alike each other. The extraordinary personality and
    decency of Sharuryan was expressed even here, in this limited area for
    the daily bread. And while he appears as if out of nowhere and
    unexpectedly rose the atmosphere of mutual compromise and
    understanding. At first I thought that the reason was only in the fact
    that Sharuryan was known in that block of houses: at the crossroad of
    the streets Hanrapetutyan and Toumanyan where he had lived for decades
    - everybody really knew him. But it turned out that even when trying
    to get a piece of bread sometimes we are over-passing the notions of
    blocks and the territory prescribed to each of us in the queues... May
    be the reason is that decency is everlasting ... and for life'.
    Sharuryan had no special demands for his own benefit and lived in
    modest conditions. He had his own system of evaluation and was
    indifferent for taking offices and special positions. Instead of it he
    was illuminating the lives of people surrounding him by invisible rays
    coming from his inner world and thus he was fixed in their memories.
    Sharuryan was one of those rare intellectuals whose lectures were
    attended by the students of other specialties as well as from other
    universities as they were getting not only scientific information but
    also cordiality and love. ... The author of those lines had also the
    luck to be one of his students.
    By some providence during his lifetime Sharuryan in the status of a
    friend, schoolmate, or collegue was in touch with many people well -
    known to all us who had left and are still leaving their traces in the
    national, culture and scientific life, are participating in writing of
    the contemporary history. And I think there is no need to innumerate
    their names here but I am sure that Albert Sharuryan has given a part,
    let it be a small part from his illumination to those people due to
    which their deeds have become kinder or at least less evil.
    Sharuryan was a happy man. He was thankful to God for having a good
    family and beloved work. `A human needs these two things to be
    happy',- he used to say. The only thing which he wished and could
    never realize was to see all his grandchildren together which were
    impossible as his elder daughter lived far abroad.
    Later after his death this wish was fulfilled in an artificial way:
    when looking closely at the family photo one can notice that the photo
    of the elder granddaughter is installed.
    Albert Sharuyan died on 22 of January in 2007 at one of the hospitals
    in Yerevan after undergoing surgery. His life was protracted for four
    days with the help of medical equipment. The doctors were amazed. 'He
    too much wants to live', - had said one of them. Yes, he too much
    wanted to live but he was not afraid of death: he had spoken about it.
    By staying alive he only wanted to make possible the already scheduled
    visit of his son to elder daughter.
    May be one day Albert Sharuryan's the only unfulfiled dream will
    become true in a natural way also, and when one beautiful day all his
    grandchildren will manage to gather togather - he will surely visit
    them from Heaven.
