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Annual industrial output growth twice exceeded CIS rate in 2011

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  • Annual industrial output growth twice exceeded CIS rate in 2011

    Armenia's annual industrial output growth twice exceeded CIS rate in 2011

    March 10, 2012 - 17:28 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - For 2007-2011, investment flow in Armenia's industry
    totaled AMD 226.7 billion, with the annual increase of industrial
    output twice exceeding the average index for the CIS countries already
    in 2011, Armenian President and chairman of the ruling Republican
    Party of Armenia (RPA) said.

    As Serzh Sargsyan said at the 13th congress of RPA, in 2007-2011, the
    small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Armenia received 1.5
    times more funds than in 2002-2006 in the framework of state
    assistance programs. The development index of the small and medium
    enterprises in Armenia compared to 2002 has grown ten fold.

    `In 2011, the number of tourists visiting Armenia doubled compared to
    2006 and crossed the threshold of 750.000,' President Sargsyan said,
    dwelling on progress in tourism industry.

    In addition to the aforesaid achievements, the RA President focused on
    works carried out in construction industry and in the field of gas
    supply. In this context, he noted that in the last five years, road
    construction works were doubled compared to the previous five years.
    In 2007-2011, nearly 1500 km of roads were constructed or renovated in

    The number of gas subscribers exceeds the level of 2007 by almost
    200,000, while drinking water supply reached 16.64 hours per day in

    In the same period of time, social expenses increased by 1.9; as for
    pensions, they were increased by 2.2. As a result, average and basic
    levels of pensions increased 2.5 times, average social benefits were
    raised by 79 percent, childcare allowances - 7 times, and benefits for
    the third and each subsequent child - 12 times.

    Resources channeled into the areas of health care and education grew 1.5 times.

    `New avenues have been found to supplement resources for science and
    culture, new mechanisms were introduced and results will be apparent
    already this year. This year, for instance, only budget funds for the
    culture excel amounts envisaged for 2007 by 65 per cent, and now make
    AMD 15.4 billion,' the President said.

    In 2011, subsidies directed to the local communities excelled the 2006
    level 2.2 times, and from 14.7 billion AMD reached 32.5 billion.

    According to Serzh Sargsyan, in the last five years, the area of
    potentially irrigated lands increased by 22 thousand hectares.
    Tendencies to decrease areas for the cultivation of grain crops, which
    started in 2005, were prevented, and crop yield has increased almost
    two times.

    `These are some facts on achievements we reached in the last few
    years,' Serzh Sargsyan said.
