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Panel at UN Explores Women's Empowerment and Sustainability in Armen

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  • Panel at UN Explores Women's Empowerment and Sustainability in Armen

    Panel at UN Explores Women's Empowerment and Sustainability in Armenia

    by Nanore Barsoumian
    March 9, 2012

    NEW YORK (A.W.)-The status of rural women worldwide was the focus of
    the 56thsession of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW56), held
    in the United Nations headquarters in New York from 27 Feb.-9 March.
    The two-week event brought together members of governments and civil
    society, rural women, and the media to analyze and report on the
    progress of initiatives laid out in the Beijing Platform for Action,
    which aims for gender equality. During this year's session, the
    Commission focused on the empowerment of rural women, their role in
    development, and ending poverty and hunger. On March 2, as part of
    these high-level panels, the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN,
    together with Women's World Banking, CSW NGO Forum, and the Armenian
    Relief Society (ARS), held a panel discussion titled `From Empowerment
    to Sustainability: Financing, Leadership, and Health for Rural Women.'

    The panelists with members of the audience (photo by Nanore Barsoumian)
    The panelists included Amb. Garen Nazarian, the permanent
    representative of Armenia to the UN and a former chair of CSW; Mary
    Ellen Iskenderian, the president and CEO of Women's World Banking
    (WWB); Ambassador Meryl Frank, a former U.S. representative to CSW,
    and current president and CEO of Makeda Global; and Stephanie Killian,
    the chair of the ARS UN Committee and director of global resources for
    J-Intersect. The event was moderated by Soon-Young Yoon, the chair of
    CSW NGO Forum.

    Below is a summary of what each panelist discussed.

    Nazarian: `Present-day economic challenges as opportunities to
    strengthen gender-responsive policies'

    Nazarian began by saying that gender equality and the empowerment of
    women are important aims both in themselves but also as a means for
    achieving sustainable development goals.

    `There is increasing recognition of the implications of a financial
    and economic crisis on gender equality and development,' he said.
    `Women's economic empowerment entails increasing women's access to
    economic and financial resources in a broad sense, including resources
    generated at the national level with budgets, trade, and development
    assistance, productive resources such as land and property, and social
    protection, employment, as well as financial services such as savings,
    credit, remittances, and transfers,' he said, adding the latter was
    particularly important for Armenia since two-thirds of its population
    lives outside, and comprises the diaspora.

    `Without access to economic resources a woman simply lacks protection,
    and in particular rural women, who continue to be absent from key
    decision-making processes shaping the allocation of economic and
    financial resources and opportunities,' he said.

    To promote the empowerment of rural women, gender-sensitive labor
    market regulations need to be in place, he argued, in addition to the
    promotion of

    Amb. Garen Nazarian (photo by Nanore Barsoumian)
    concepts and regulations that empower women to refuse unpaid
    care-work. Land reform laws and land partitioning projects are also
    critical, he noted.

    `In some countries, including Armenia, the global financial crisis has
    resulted in a decline in resources available for promoting gender
    equality, and has caused a shift in priorities, unfortunately,
    resulting in the diversion of funds from projects aimed at gender
    equality promotion in rural areas. I think we should see the
    present-day economic challenges as opportunities to strengthen
    gender-responsive policies on the national level,' Nazarian said.
    `Because not addressing gender issues will only exacerbate the
    existing crises.'

    Frank: `Empowering women for local politics'

    Passionate about empowering women, Frank described her involvement
    throughout the world - with women MPs in Afghanistan, Jordan, and
    Malawi; with basket weavers and widows in Kenya; and with women
    interested in running for office in Morocco.

    `I don't travel as an American ambassador. I travel as a woman who's
    had experiences all over the world, and I want to share those
    experiences with other women,' she said.

    Frank was asked to keynote the first national conference on women and
    politics in Armenia in 2011.

    `What I found in Armenia was odd. Women are very well educated in
    Armenia. Women are very capable and confident in Armenia. But what was
    different about Armenia was they had no representation in politics.
    What I found in Armenia was that these women were smart and capable
    and ready to hold office... There really was no real good reason why
    Armenia had a problem with [having women in office],' she said.

    Frank then listed the following countries: Cambodia, Tunisia,
    Tajikistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Uruguay, Dagestan,
    Panama, and Burundi. She asked the audience whether they believed
    Armenia ranked better, worse, or the same as the countries listed.

    `They all rank better internationally than Armenia,' she said.
    `Armenia ranks 108 in political participation, out of 135 countries
    studied by the World Economic Forum. This doesn't make sense. Those of
    you who know Armenia...let me ask you: Does this make sense?'

    Amb. Meryl Frank (photo by Nanore Barsoumian)
    `No,' responded members of the audience.

    `You shouldn't worry,' continued Frank, `because Armenia ranks just
    after Chad, and does better than Kuwait, Fiji, Bahrain, Qatar, and

    She then compared the percentage of women parliamentarians in
    Afghanistan and Armenia, at 26 percent and 9 percent, respectively.
    She added that a group in Armenia was pushing for a 30 percent
    women-in-parliament quota. Fortunately, she said, the quota is going
    to be 20 percent in Armenia. Although welcoming that improvement, she
    said similar efforts needed to be underway on the local level to
    secure the appointment or election of women to local offices. `I
    believe there are 13 mayors out of 588 municipalities that are women.
    This is a problem because this is the breeding ground for women. This
    is where women learn to govern,' she said.

    Frank, who has trained women around the world to legislate and govern,
    explained the importance of a support structure for women politicians
    in local offices, which ensures they are confident, experienced, and
    effective once they reach the national level.

    `When you look at this issue - the issue of women as members of
    parliament, the issue of women governing - it's very important not to
    make the argument that this is about equality... justice or...human
    rights, because in fact this is about having a better government,' she
    said. She then cited studies that show how boards function more
    efficiently when women hold seats. `Women balance. Women tend to be
    more risk-averse than men. So the idea here is that you have a balance
    of perspectives on boards,' she said.

    Armenia is not as productive as it should be, and this is directly
    related to the absence of female voices in government. Armenia has
    more educated women than educated men, Frank explained, adding, `Even
    in fields [such as] education, where 90 percent of the teachers are
    women - this is true everywhere by the way - the minister is a man, and
    the high-level positions are filled by men.'

    Frank's organization trains women, sharpens their governing skills,
    and provides the government with a list of qualified women, `so they
    can no longer say, `There are no qualified women.''

    `My recommendations are that Armenia takes advantage of this
    tremendous resource, that they look at women for local elected office,
    that they look at women for national elected office, for local
    appointed office, and national appointed office,' concluded Frank.

    Killian: `Access to health services a key component of fight against poverty'

    Killian began by describing the work the ARS has done over the past
    century. `From the beginning our creation as a humanitarian
    organization captured the nature of the Armenian woman to care and
    nurture, and her uncanny ability to organize and plan. These
    qualities, however, are present in all women of the world, especially
    rural women and those stuck in poverty, who must run their households,
    oftentimes creating something out of nothing.'

    In 2010, she said, as the ARS evaluated its 100 years of service, it
    resolved to grow from a global charity to a sustainable philanthropic

    She then explained the importance of health and wellbeing of women as
    the foundation for independence and development. `Rural women
    especially face great challenges due to location and mobility that
    affect their basic human rights including access to food, water, and
    sanitation. Rural populations are less educated, have less access to
    healthcare, exhibit more chronic diseases, and are more likely to be
    excluded from financial services,' she said, adding that as a
    caregiver and income generator, the challenges of rural women are even
    higher, and medical expenses can place a tremendous strain on their

    `Access to health services and health protection is a key component of
    the fight against poverty, as good health is a major driver of
    economic development and a necessity to alleviate poverty,' she said.

    Stephanie Killian and ARS Executive Director Jirayr Beugekian (photo
    by Nanore Barsoumian)
    Killian then talked about the services provided by the ARS Mother and
    Child Clinic in the Armenian village of Akhourian, founded in 1997;
    the Birthing Center established there in 2005; and the dental clinic
    built in 2008.

    She then briefly spoke about microfinancing services. `Creating a
    development equation of microfinance - including microcredit, savings,
    and insurance - with investing in healthcare for all women living in
    poverty will produce results that will positively impact all areas of
    a woman's life, her family, and her community. Financial inclusion and
    healthcare are complementary and must be regarded in a comprehensive
    solution to poverty. In some cases, delivering services in tandem,
    like health education with credit service, increases the impact of

    Iskenderian: `Financial empowerment'

    Iskenderian spoke about Women's World Banking and its 39 partner
    institutions that provide financial services to women in 27 developing

    Serving 26 million clients worldwide, 80 percent of whom are women,
    WWB is focused on assisting financial institutions that target rural
    women clients with services geared specifically to that gender.

    Iskenderian talked about the various services WWB provides, from
    credit services to savings, insurance, and pension products. She said
    women interact more with their financial institutions than men do.
    They also value time and convenience much more than men do.

    `The financial institution that thinks about the financial products
    and services with [women's] life cycle needs - birth, birth of children,
    building a house, getting married, the marriage of children, old age,
    and unfortunately death - really are going to be much better aligned
    with the ways that their female clients approach the financial
    sector,' she said.

    Confidentiality is an `absolute essentiality' for women, said
    Iskenderian. `Women want to be able to save in a safe, secure place
    and they view banks as being a place to do that. But they need to know
    that their husbands, their family members, their neighbors, don't know
    that they're saving and how much they're saving,' she said.

    Financial education is the responsibility of the financial
    institution, she said, as many rural women are illiterate.
    Institutions have to bear in mind that rural women are less likely to
    have access to property title or be able to pledge property as a
    guarantee in applying for loan services that require collateral or
    documentation, she said.

    Iskenderian also spoke about the power of marketing, and how financial
    institutions could project an image of empowerment and ambition that
    would resonate

    Mary Ellen Iskenderian (photo by Nanore Barsoumian)
    with women from different cultures.

    Women often minimize or fail to recognize their own contributions to
    the family income, she said. Referring to WWB's market research in
    Paraguay, she explained how husbands there would often farm, while
    their wives tended to the chicken, sold the eggs in the market, and
    made the salsa to sell. `They had all these ongoing products that were
    earning money, but when we talked to them, they'd say... `I am just a
    housewife, and I make no contribution financially to the household.''
    What the team found, however, was that 70 percent of the incoming cash
    was coming from the women's eggs, chickens, and salsa.

    WWB works with financial institutions `to look beyond women's
    self-description of what she's contributing to the household,'
    Iskenderian said, adding that `the financial institution that we're
    working with is so excited, they think they discovered this truly
    hidden market, and they'll have a differentiated advantage over other
    financial institutions.'

    Iskenderian also spoke about a health micro-insurance product that WWB
    introduced in Jordan, where so many women were taking time away from
    their businesses to care for a sick family member (the number one
    reason worldwide, according to Iskenderian, that microenterprises were
    being liquidated or de-capitalized). The policy charges `a fraction'
    of what the women were saving every month for emergency needs, and in
    return earns them a per diem up to 30 days to spend away from their
    businesses, whether to care for a relative, or for their own sick
    time. Since April 2010, Caretaker, the name of the product, sold
    52,000 and received 2,100 claims.


    (L-R) Stephanie Killian, Amb. Garen Nazarian, Mary Ellen Iskenderian,
    Amb. Meryl Frank (photo by Nanore Barsoumian)
    In his closing remarks, Nazarian thanked the panelists and the
    participants. `As a government we are open to these kinds of sincere
    endeavors, discussions, and sometimes even criticism. That makes my
    country different from those that Frank mentioned, and places Armenia
    high on the list in the context of human rights and fundamental
    freedoms,' he said. `We will continue the practice of holding these
    kinds of conferences and events in Armenia and outside Armenia to
    improve public awareness and also provoke more discussions within the
    society,' he added.

    ARS members and representatives of various NGOs from across the world
    attended the event. Following the discussion, some participants and
    panelists met at the Armenian Mission to the UN offices, where a
    reception was held. Guests included Henriette Ahrens, the UNICEF
    representative to Armenia.
