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Serzh Sargsyan: Artsakh has been and will continue to be Armenian

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  • Serzh Sargsyan: Artsakh has been and will continue to be Armenian

    Serzh Sargsyan: Artsakh has been and will continue to be Armenian

    10.03.2012 15:27

    `The process of international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian
    Genocide continues thanks to joint efforts of Armenia and Diaspora. We have
    a clear-cut message to all states and nations of the world: denial of the
    Genocide perpetrated at the beginning of the last century is the direct
    continuation of that crime. This crime committed against the Armenian
    nation continues even today, right now, it goes on through the denial of
    the obvious fact. The Armenian nation and the entire humanity have to bring
    to an end that crime that is being perpetrated every day, every moment,
    right before our eyes,' Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan declared at the
    13th Congress of the Republican party of Armenia.

    `We will not lessen our vigilance in the Nagorno Karabakh peace process.
    Artsakh has been and will continue to be Armenian. The Republic of Armenia
    has provided and will continue to provide all-inclusive assistance to
    Artsakh's political and economic development. International recognition of
    the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination will be the
    foundation for the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem. We
    will continue our works in the ongoing negotiations aimed at the engagement
    of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic as a full-fledged party in these
    negotiations. Efforts of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora will be aimed at the
    adoption in the international organizations of the decisions which preclude
    military option for the resolution of the conflict, the President declared.

    Touching upon the initiative to normalize the relations with Turkey, the
    President stated: `Our initiative didn't develop in the way desirable for
    Armenia and the international community; the Armenian-Turkish border still
    remains closed. However, the second way which the initiative went on was
    also important, because, first, as recent developments have clearly shown,
    it has solidified the process of the international recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide. Second, the entire world came to see that the only
    obstacle for the establishment of the relations between Armenia and Turkey
    rest with Ankara and another capital, which acts as a busy-body, but in no
    way or shape with Yerevan. And third, that Turkey was compelled by that
    initiative to sign an international document, which rules out any
    precondition for the establishment of the relations.'

    `This example comes to prove that Armenia's foreign policy course has been
    remarkably principled and calculated. In the future too, we will adhere to
    that course. We will fulfill in good faith our alliance commitments and
    international obligations, using each opportunity to advance our national
    goals through international engagement,' he added.

    `It is quite understandable that in order to thwart hostile encroachments
    diplomatic efforts only are not enough. In the process, we have
    strengthened our defense capability. We have installed both foreign and
    domestically produced armaments and military hardware. Without going into
    details, I would like to state that today we have adequate means and power
    to deter the potential adversary.

    We will continue to bring our defense potential in compliance with the
    modern standards of professionalism, discipline, transparency and control.
    The Army will become exemplary also for our society. All current tendencies
    testify that we will reach these standards shortly,' the President

    According to the President, `elections are only a means and not an end.'
    `We are a nation and we are a state. We have goals. Elections, parliaments
    and governments are tools to achieve those goals. We must continue to work
    to strengthen Armenia's standing and prestige in the region and in the
    world, must strive to achieve a greater political weight,' he added.

    `Nowadays, a full-fledged propaganda war is being waged against Armenia and
    the Armenians dispersed around the globe. That war becomes particularly
    vicious when we achieve success in different areas or register developments
    in the process of the international recognition and condemnation of the
    Armenian Genocide. We don't conduct any campaign against any country or a
    nation but we face waves of hostility. In the contemporary world, only a
    democratic Armenia can withstand these waves. Against these waves we must
    bring out Armenia's new image - the image of a more liberal and thus of a
    stronger Armenia,' President Sargsyan said.

    From: Baghdasarian