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Balakian Workshop in Denver a Success

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  • Balakian Workshop in Denver a Success

    P.O. Box 13854
    Denver, Colorado 80201

    Contact: Kim Christianian
    Telephone: (303) 588-5524
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Denver, Colorado
    March 13, 2012

    Workshop With Award Winning Author Peter Balakian
    A Huge Success at Denver's Facing History And Ourselves

    Over seventy educators and students spent the day learning how
    to bring the Armenian Genocide curriculum into schools across
    Colorado. The workshop was a collaboration between FHAO and Armenians
    of Colorado Inc, (AOC). `This has been in the works for over a year',
    say Kim Christianian, chair of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration
    committee for AOC. `We didn't know what to expect and we were
    thrilled to see how enthusiastic the teachers were about teaching the
    subject in their history classes', says Christianian. The workshop
    was overflowing with participants. `Professor Balakian really fed our
    teachers well', say Regional Director of FHAO, Dave Fulton. `We're
    anxious to have him back!' The workshop concluded with the showing of
    a ten minute documentary entitled The Armenian Genocide and the Treaty
    of Sevre, made by Alik Christianian for the 2011 History Day, where
    she was awarded first place in the state of Colorado and competed in
    Washington DC in the middle school category.

    The Saturday workshop, entitled Why Studying The Armenian
    Genocide Matters Today, was part of a series of educational events in
    Colorado. Balakian started the weekend at Colorado State University in
    Fort Collins where he read from his latest book of poems Ziggurat for
    the Creative Writing Program Reading Series.

    On Sunday, Armenians of Colorado Inc., hosted a talk and book
    signing with Balakian entitled Literary Memory and Catastrophe: From
    the Armenian Genocide to 9/11... The event was held at the Tattered
    Cover Bookstore and drew a large crowd from both the Denver and
    Boulder area.

    The weekend lectures are part of the Armenian Genocide
    Commemorations organized by the Armenian Genocide Commemoration
    committee for AOC. April events include the annual resolution
    designating April 24 as Colorado Day of Remembrance of the Armenian
    Genocide. `This is will be the eleventh year that we have had this
    resolution in place' says, Kim Christianian, who spearheaded the
    initiative with the help of committee members, Ken Allikian and Simon
    Maghakyan. `We have seen the effect of these grass root efforts on our
    congressional delegation and believe that it is only a matter of time
    that the Armenian Genocide will get its proper recognition at the
    national level' says Christianian.

    Armenians of Colorado will host the annual commemoration
    program on Sunday, April 22, 2012, 1:30PM at the State Capitol's
    Armenian Genocide Memorial Plaque dedicated in 1982, and located in
    the Armenian Garden at the State Capitol.
    The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the Ottoman Turks
    during and after WWI. It resulted in the complete extermination of
    modern Turkey's indigenous Armenian population (1.5 million), and in
    the annihilation of Armenian cultural artifacts dating back thousands
    of years. The Turkish government to this day denies that the Armenian
    Genocide ever happened despite scholars', historians', and most
    western governments' published reports and archives affirming the
    facts. You may view the Alik Christianian's History Day 2011
    documentary at
    Armenians of Colorado, Inc. (AOC) was established in June
    1982. It is a 501(c) (3) non-profit, cultural organization charged
    with a purpose to create a cohesive Armenian community and to further
    the understanding of Armenian history, culture, and heritage. AOC
    actively supports issues and concerns of the Armenian-American
    community here in Colorado as well as those identified within the
    Armenian Diaspora throughout the world. For more information about
    Armenians of Colorado go to
