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Diaspora Ministry's Affront To The Diaspora

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  • Diaspora Ministry's Affront To The Diaspora


    13 March 2012

    The homepage of the Virtual Armenian Diaspora Museum

    Armenia's Diaspora Ministry on Tuesday unveiled a Virtual
    Armenian Diaspora Museum, which contains so many factual errors,
    inconsistencies and inaccuracies that if it were meant to bolster
    the image of the Diaspora, it does the exact opposite.

    According to Armenia's State Radio, "The aim of the Virtual Museum
    of Armenian Diaspora is to introduce the history of the Armenian
    people, the present and the future. The project will make the history,
    cultural heritage and achievements of the Armenian people available
    to the public, will develop and instill among young people of the
    Diaspora the idea of Armenian national identity, the feeling of pride
    for belonging to the Armenian nation, will make Armenian communities
    of Diaspora recognizable to each other. It also aims to strengthen
    ties between Homeland and Diaspora, as well as between Armenian
    communities of Diaspora."

    If this is the stated aim of the Virtual Museum it does more to
    highlight two very relevant problems plaguing the Diaspora Ministry
    and its minister, Hranush Hakopyan.

    1. The inability to draw a distinction between the Diaspora as a
    political entity that was borne as a result of being forced to settle
    in foreign lands due to deportation, massacres and Genocide and the
    communities that have popped up as a result of individuals choosing-of
    their own volition-to leave the homeland and settle elsewhere.

    2.Not fully comprehending the Diaspora as an entity that has kept the
    national ideals and aspirations of the Armenian people alive-in some
    instances, for centuries.

    The content of the Web site is nothing more than an aggregation
    of information that can be culled from a quick Google search or a
    reworking of Wikipedia entries. It is apparent that there was no
    substantive research done to accumulate the information and build
    content for what could have been an extremely worthwhile effort.

    Instead, the Web site is a depository of facts and figures, most of
    them inaccurate and diminishes our Diasporan reality to nothing more
    than pockets of Armenians living in different worlds.

    If, 20 years after Armenia's independence, the Diaspora is being viewed
    in such a light, then a critical component of our nation-building
    process has failed.

    In unveiling the Web site, Minister Hakopyan explained that "Armenians
    are one nation regardless of their residence, and Armenia is the
    Homeland of all Armenians. This was the idea that became the slogan
    of the museum."

    Let's look at the Western US community as an example. Today, this
    community, which numbers above a million, is a vibrant and diverse
    entity that has grown through the institutions that were established
    by those who first settled in the Western United States as survivors
    of either the Sultan Hamid Massacres or the Armenian Genocide. Even
    the newest of newcomers should realize that the church, in which they
    worship or the school they attend was a result of blood, sweat and
    tears of dedicated individuals who toiled to not only survive and
    provide for their immediate families, but to harness our national
    aspirations to build and create communities, in which Armenians can
    flourish as Armenians.

    So, to Mrs. Hakopyan I say that the Diaspora is not a slogan to
    propel the creation of a haphazard Web site whose content is more an
    embarrassment than a showcase of our rich Armenian national heritage.

    The Diaspora is a political entity that has played a critical role in
    the national liberation struggle and in state-building. Without it,
    perhaps many of the achievements of the last 20 years would not have
    been possible. (In fact, the Web site does not contain a definition
    of the term "Diaspora").

    The minister, in her message on the Web site, says: "We shall do
    everything to make the web-site interesting and cognitive, to reflect
    the phenomenon of Armenian Diaspora with its rich palette and deep
    essence. I am confident that Armenian specialists creating web-sites
    in different parts of the world will contribute to the process to
    make the web-site more interesting [sic.]."

    Conventional wisdom would dictate that the aforementioned specialists
    would have been brought together prior to the launch of the Web site,
    in order to shed light that the Diaspora is not merely a "rich palette"
    but rather a critical force in our national identity.

    A glaring omission from the Virtual Museum is the Armenian press in
    the Diaspora. In my humble opinion as the editor of this 104-year-old
    publication, leaving out the press is a virtual crime for this
    Virtual Museum.

    The Virtual Armenian Diaspora Museum is an insult to the Diaspora. It
    is the Diaspora Ministry's responsibility to rectify this situation
    by immediately taking it down and, if the ministry is truly committed
    to creating this important repository, bring together experts to work
    on creating a Web site worthy of our national aspirations.
