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Armenian FM: Azerbaijan's Actions Doom Karabakh Process To Failure

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  • Armenian FM: Azerbaijan's Actions Doom Karabakh Process To Failure


    March 16, 2012 - 13:29 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan blocks every move undertaken by Armenia
    and the international mediators, first of all within the OSCE Minsk
    Group activities, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said at
    a joint press conference with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle
    on March 16 in Yerevan.

    When asked by a German reporter what actions are taken to facilitate
    the process of Karabakh conflict settlement, Nalbandian said Azerbaijan
    refuses to comply with most agreements reached at top level.

    Nalbandian quoted the example of the presidents' meeting in Sochi
    where Armenia and Azerbaijan, with Russia's mediation, agreed to
    create a mechanism to stop regular violations of cease fire at the
    contact line. Azerbaijan however threatened to "veto" the OSCE budget
    if resources are allotted for establishment of this tool.

    At the same meeting in Sochi both sides confirmed efficiency of Minsk
    Group activities and expressed commitment to continue negotiations
    within this format.

    Upon return to Baku, Aliyev made a number of statements saying the
    OSCE Minsk Group has been exhausted, and the platform for negotiations
    needs to be changed.

    Nalbandian said these are just a few of the numerous destructive
    actions undertaken by Azerbaijani side.

    Non-compliance by Azerbaijan of its commitments dooms the negotiation
    process to failure, Minister added.

    At January 23 trilateral presidential meeting in Sochi Presidents
    of Armenia and Azerbaijan stressed the need to refrain from extreme
    measures, calling for continuation of approximating positions.

    "Considering the importance of shifting to development of peace
    agreement, Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan expressed readiness to
    expedite an agreement on Basic principles," Russian Foreign Minister
    Sergei Lavrov said, adding that heads of the two states had requested
    Russia to mediate humanitarian ties between the two countries.
